Indigenous Employment Queensland Tourism Industry Council 2015
What is the opportunity to drive massive change in the tourism industry? Positive versus Negative Discourse
Great Thinkers Indigenous X host Scott Gorringe is changing the way we talk about Indigenous Australia, from a way of talking that sees Aboriginal culture as a problem to one that recognises the strength of traditional ways ©Platypus Wealth Institute
Negative Discourse Everyone buys into it Expectations are formed as a result It is the paradigm we work within and are often unconscious of the beliefs it contains The punishment modality
What are Beliefs Beliefs are thoughts repeated over and over again until they become real or the truth to the person thinking them They include the assumptions we hold which shape the way we view the world ©Platypus Wealth Institute
BELIEF BODY – CULTURAL Source: Indigenous Diploma Students Can’t trust white people Can’t trust other mobs/clans Can’t trust own family members Don’t trust yella fella’s Wait for us to fail Cultural needs are more important than work needs I didn’t get it because I’m black Government wait for us to fail You are not good enough We cut each other down Outcast amongst outcasts I give up
Positive Discourse
Indigenous Australia Dreamtime to 1788 – rulers of a continent 60,000 + years of success Survivors of the Ice Age Masters of Many Environments Colonisation – present – losers of a continent 230 years of oppression, struggle ©Platypus Wealth Institute
Vision and Beliefs What are the beliefs behind the Vision for Indigenous Australia What are the beliefs behind the policies of government? What are the beliefs behind policies of Indigenous Organisations? What are the beliefs behind the Tourism Industry What’s causing people to fall into the river? ©Platypus Wealth Institute
What are the Solutions Responses from the Tourism Industry Indigenous Employment Champions Stick around, long term investment, inspirational initiatives such as the Indigenous Employee Initiative Responses by Government Want to stick around, short term investment constraints, need input of ideas by Community Need meaningful information, must be good news stories
Micro Strategies
Principles of Operation (excerpt) We seek to be an active partner in lifting the spirit, image, perceptions, profile, self beliefs and successes of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia We focus on and appreciate the best aspects of every individual We believe all individuals are fantastic We believe all individuals are worthy of having a fantastic life We believe all people are capable of creating a fantastic life for themselves We expect people to make mistakes and we expect people to make progress
Macro Strategies
1. Vision 2. 'Indigifying' Tourism Experience 3. Working with Wisdom (Tribal Elders) 4. Entry point 'welcome' 5. Indigenous themed entry/exit signage 6. Traditional 'story telling' 7. Indigenous presence in VIC's 8. Indigenous 'Care for Country' 9. Shop window displays 10. Creation of a minimum of 20 Indigenous businesses