1 Course : بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم Chapter 7: BSS & International Regulations Omrane KADRI, Ph.D. Office 2021 Health Safety & Radiation Protection (RAD453)
2 1.National Regulatory Authority 2.Main International Institutions involved in Regulatory aspects 3.The Basic Safety Standards What is the BSS? What is the UNSCEAR? What is the ICRP? Outline
Ionizing Radiation 3 1) National Regulatory Authority We live with 1-3 mSv/y Can kill 4000 mSv Is there a safe point? If not, how to deal with the problem?
How to frame regulations?….. Let these be consistent with UK…..No..No…with USA. … Oh no..it should be S. Africa…no…Europe… Is there some Harmonised set of regulation? Yes, ……the standards set by BSS. 4 1) National Regulatory Authority
IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) IEC (International Electro-technical Commission) ICRP ( The International Commission on Radiological Protection) OECD/NEA (The Nuclear Energy Agency) CEC (The Commission of European Communities) WHO (The World Health Organization) ILO (The International Labor Organization) ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 5 2) Main International Institutions involved
IAEA was established in 1957 and has the following functions: Safeguards (verification of peaceful uses) Technology (fostering the transfer of) Safety 6 2) Main International Institutions involved
IAEA RADIATION SAFETY FUNCTIONS Article III.A.6 of its Statute To establish standards of radiation safety To provide for the application of these standards To service international conventions 7 2) Main International Institutions involved
The purpose of the Standards is to establish basic requirements for protection against the risk associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources that may deliver such exposure. The Standards lay down basic principles and indicate the different aspects that should be covered by an effective radiation protection program The Standards are aimed to serve as a practical guide for public authorities and services, employers and workers, specialized radiation protection bodies, enterprises and safety and health committees. 8 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS)
9 First Basic Safety Standards1962 Revised Basic Safety Standards1967 Revised and Joint with FAO, ILO, OECD/NEA, WHO1982 ICRP published revised recommendations1991 Consultants, Senior experts meetings, ad hoc working groups, technical committees 1991, 1992, th draft circulated to all member statesMarch th Draft approved by IAEA Board of Governors Sept 1994 Publication of Interim Version S.S.115I1994 Formal approval by co-sponsoring organizations Publication of S.S ) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) HISTORY
estimates on radiation health effects made by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and radiation protection recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 11 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) The IAEA’s international standards are based on:
ICRP IAEA UNSCEAR Non-governmental Governmental Principles Recommendations Effects Standards 12 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF THE STANDARDS
The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation is a committee of the UN General Assembly. It was established in Consensus: Consensus: HEALTH EFFECTS OF RADIATION 13 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) What is UNSCEAR?
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY RADIOEPIDEMIOLOGY RADIOBIOLOGY JUDGMENT ON PLAUSIBILITY AND ESTIMATES 14 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) How UNSCEAR works? provides estimates of the health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation Such as……
UNSCEAR has recently (2000) further assessed the cancer risk from radiation exposures. For a population of all ages and both genders, the life-time risk of dying from radiation induced cancer after an acute dose of 1000 mSv is about 9% for men and 13% for women or 11% as a mean. Applying a DDREF of 2, these data confirm the 10 years old ICRP estimate. 15 Life-time risk of dying from radiation induced cancer = 5% per sievert 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS)
The International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP) makes recommendations relating to radiation protection 16 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) What is ICRP? A non-governmental professional organization established in 1928 by the International Congress of Radiology A group of recognized leaders in the field of radiation protectionA group of recognized leaders in the field of radiation protection concerned with the protection of humans from ionizing radiationconcerned with the protection of humans from ionizing radiation official relationships with WHO, IAEA, ICRUofficial relationships with WHO, IAEA, ICRU convenes task groups of experts to address particular issuesconvenes task groups of experts to address particular issues issues reports and recommendationsissues reports and recommendations
Prepared typically by a task group which includes other experts Approved by the full commission Published in the journal “Annals of the ICRP” Have no legal status themselves - however, are typically the foundation onto which national legislation is built 17 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) Recommendations of the ICRP
Finally, on the basis of UNSCEAR estimates and ICRP recommendations, the IAEA establishes international standards on radiation and nuclear safety 18 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS)
Safety Fundamentals Safety Standards Approved by IAEA Board of Governors 19 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) Hierarchy of IAEA documents
Safety Guides Safety Practices TECDOCs Technical Reports Proceedings Safety Fundamentals and Standards Supported by 20 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS)
PREAMBLE: Principles and Fundamental Objectives PRINCIPLE REQUIREMENTS: General-responsibilities and organizational Practices Interventions APPENDICES: DETAILED REQUIREMENTS Occupational exposure Medical exposure Public exposure Potential exposure: safety of sources Emergency exposure situations Chronic exposure situations SCHEDULES: Numerical 21 3) The Basic Safety Standards (BSS) LAYOUT OF BSS
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