Surrendering to King Jesus – Lk.9: The BIG problem a. Our hearts are “idol factories” a. Our hearts are “idol factories” - the story of Israel - the story of Israel - our own hearts – money, pleasure, possessions, power etc - our own hearts – money, pleasure, possessions, power etc 2. Sin drags us down – Gen.3; 4:7 etc Radical surgery is needed
2. God’s radical solution a. God comes as the Great Saviour The O.T. promised a Messiah The O.T. promised a Messiah Jesus comes as the Messiah –v.21 Jesus comes as the Messiah –v.21 This is God himself who has come This is God himself who has come b. The salvation is through radical means 1. It involves the death of the Saviour 1. It involves the death of the Saviour -Bearing the consequences of human sin -Bearing the consequences of human sin -Conquering sin & death – Rom.8:3,4 -Conquering sin & death – Rom.8:3,4 -The believer dies with Christ – Rom.6:6,7 -The believer dies with Christ – Rom.6:6,7
Salvation through radical means 2. It brings resurrection life - Jesus rose showing he had conquered - Jesus rose showing he had conquered - The believer in Jesus receives resurrection life – Rom.6:4,5; 2Cor.5:17 - The believer in Jesus receives resurrection life – Rom.6:4,5; 2Cor.5:17 God brings about radical surgery through his radical salvation
3. Living as Jesus’ disciples a. Deny ourselves –v.23 Surrendering to Jesus – “Your will be done” - Heart & mind – contrast Lot’s wife, Demas - 2Tim.4:10 - Body – Rom.12:1,2 When you focus on yourself you lose out. Doing God’s will is LIFE – v.24-27
b. Take up your cross daily –v Your old self died with Jesus – Rom.6:6 2. There is a battle – Gal.5:16,17 Radical measures are needed – Col.3:5-9; Eph.4:31; Titus 2:11-14; Mt.5:27-30 ACT TODAY c. Follow Jesus –v.23
4. Taking stock a. What is your goal in life? b. Resurrection comes after death - new believer – old self is crucified with Christ, they receive new life - new believer – old self is crucified with Christ, they receive new life - mature disciple – put to death sinful acts & attitudes, new life bubbles up - mature disciple – put to death sinful acts & attitudes, new life bubbles up c. Have you surrendered everything to Jesus – Rom.12:1,2