Pocket User Guides Level 3 Muon Tools Paul Balm Oct 26, 2000 The ScriptRunner Tutorial Linked from: www-d0.fnal.gov/~balm/muon/
Oct Paul Balm2 Outline Unpacking - L3TMuoUnpack Local tracking - L3TMuoLocal Time-of-flight - L3TMuoScint Central track matching - L3TMuoCentralMatch Calorimeter matching covered by Charles - L3TMuoCalMatch and L3TMuoCalTrack Global Muon Tool - L3TMuon Full guides linked from: www-d0.fnal.gov/~balm/muon/
Oct Paul Balm3 Unpacking Tool name: L3TMuoUnpack –“unpacking and hit reconstruction”: accesses raw data and provides hits in global coordinates with timing information Tool parameters parametertypedescription regionalboolSwitch for regional unpacking minhitsint# of hits tooltypestring“unpack”
Oct Paul Balm4 Local Tracking Tool name: L3TMuoLocal –Tracking in the muon system only –Uses offline algorithms Tool parameters: parametertypedescription segmentrcpstringsegment finding RCP trackRCPstringtrack reco RCP file unpacktoolnamestringunpacking tool. tooltypestring“data”
Oct Paul Balm5 Time-of-flight Tool name: L3TMuoScint –Grab timing information from tracksegments and use position of segment to calc velocity Not implemented yet Planned for p06
Oct Paul Balm6 Central Track Matching Tool name: L3TMuoCentralMatch –Use local tracks as seeds, propagate through calorimeter to define region in central tracker –Call separate tracking tool for central tracking Tool parameters: parametertypedescription muontrackrefsetstringlocal tracking tool trackerrefsetstringcentral tracking tooltypestring“data”
Oct Paul Balm7 Calorimeter matching Tool names: L3TMuoCalMatch and L3TMuoCalTrack –match tool equivalent to central match tool, caltrack tool equivalent to central tracking tool Tool parameters: parametertypedescription enethrshfloatEnergy threshold roadradint width of the road tooltypestringdata
Oct Paul Balm8 Global Muon Tool Tool name: L3TMuon –Combines all info from lower-level tools –Currently local tracking only… Tool parameters: –more to come with more extensive implementation parametertypedescription localtrackrefsetstringlocal tracking Full guides linked from: www-d0.fnal.gov/~balm/muon/