MBA Getting the info you need Christine Bronkhorst
Boolean operators
Boolean cont. (Diversity management) AND (leader OR manager) (woman OR women OR female) AND discrimination NOT (gender)
Truncation Truncation : multiple forms of a word Accepted symbol for truncation * Stem of the keyword Eg : manag* (will search : manager, managing)
Formulating a search strategy Keyword: identify three or four descriptive keywords Synonyms: Identify synonyms for these keywords e.g. women or female Spelling: British and American e.g. organization // organisation Plurals: Databases make it possible to use truncation e.g.female* Boolean operators: AND OR NOT
To access our databases Search by subject MBA MBA E-library (MBA specific links)
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Vs Google Quantity Not organized Commercial info No selection process Not permanent Not everything always for free Not trustworthy No sophisticated search strategies Library Quality Organized Commercial and scientific Validated Always available (archive) Free (registered userd) Suitable for research Sophisticated search strategies
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Plagiarsim -Pass off ideas, opinions, facts you found in sources as if they were your own -Must credit the author -If you use his words, indicate it by using “quotation marks”
Avoid plagiarism -Don’t cut and paste information from electronic sources -Read what others have said, then formulate your own viewpoint
Harvard Referencing Style Book: “It was anciently believed that a baby born with teeth already formed would bite” (Smith, 1977:70.) Quote An ancient superstition was that when a baby was born with teeth, it would become a villain (Smith, 1977:70). Paraphrasing Source list: Smith, L Crime and punishment. London: Batsford.
Journal articles Rabbi, J Drinking among college students. Journal of alcohol and drug education, 40(3):52-64, May.
Internet Documents Mandela, N Statement of the president of the ANC, Nelson Mandela, at his inauguration es/inaugta.html Date of access: 10 Oct es/inaugta.html
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