437th XXXXX Squadron Change of Command Ceremony Charleston Air Force Base South Carolina Date Air Force Song By Robert Crawford Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, At ’em boys, Give ‘er the gun (give ‘er the gun now!) Down we dive spouting our flame from under Off with one helluva roar! We live in fame or go down in flame, hey! Nothing’ll stop the U.S. Air Force! USE SQUADRON/GROUP PATCH
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Welcome Introductions History of the Change of Command Arrival of the Official Party* Posting of Colors* National Anthem* Invocation* Remarks by Officiator Presentation of Decoration* Remarks by Outgoing CC Final Salute Change of Command* Remarks by Incoming CC First Salute Official Party Departs* * Please Stand Reception Immediately Following “Sir, I relinquish command.” “Sir, I assume command.” Those are the eight most important words to be uttered at this ceremony today. Today, as they have throughout history, those words have conveyed the authority and responsibility of command from one officer to another. Until modern times, it was not uncommon for warriors in the field to be unable to identify or to recognize their leaders. A formal change of command ceremony, such as today’s, afforded them the opportunity to witness the proceedings and, perhaps more important, to see at close range their new leader. The change of command ceremony has survived as an integral part of the Air Force heritage to this day -- passed down directly through the Continental Army of the United States. Today’s ceremony continues that warrior heritage, as we pay homage to the departing commander, and publicly demonstrate our loyalty to the new.
Biography United States Air Force OUTGOING COMMANDER’S NAME Put Outgoing Commander’s biographical information here. Biography United States Air Force INCOMING COMMANDER’S NAME Put Incoming Commander’s biographical information here.