EBOLA Group Name: jdog(Justus) and ethan
Curious George and the ebola virus the 44 year old sergeon was remembered Saturday at his funeral man mass of tireless, selfless tunate and heroic advocates for medical care for the less fortunate. Salia died of ebola on November 17 th after being flown to Omaha. Salia was the second to die of ebola in the united states theis cases are rare and the storys remain untold there is evidence lacking like where
Virus Statistics the plant type virus is named after a river costs 1-2 billion us dollarsa month for one hundred thousand patients First discovered in 1976 Reflection on these statistics:
Global Impact of Virus 8 Global impacts of your virus Reflection on global impacts:
Virus Description 4 decriptions of your virus (DNA? RNA? Single stranded? Double stranded? What are the proteins in the coat? Is it retro virus or haunta virus or what?)
Virus Lifecycle 6 facts about the virus’s lifecycle
Group Name’s Conclusion Group member 1 Group member 2 Group member 3 Group picture
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