Points! Must have a Points Variance in a CAO!
DREAM COURSES (1 2 3) REALISITC COURSES (4 5 6 & 7) INSURANCE COURSES (8 9 & 10) Best way to fill in a CAO?
What is your role as a parent/guardian?
* Go to and click on Information for Schools 2. Guidance Counsellor Resources 3. A CAO Guide for Parents & Guardians
Complete overview of education in Ireland, all application routes, career jargon, finance, back up options etc.
* Up to date Psychological Report required. Less than 3 years old. Application made through school. Exemptions cancel out General Entry Requirements.
Form used by student / school / Ed. Psychologist to transfer information from secondary to 3 rd Level. All students with Learning Difficulties and an up to date Psychological Report (less than 3 years old) can use SIF. 3 rd Level colleges can then prepare for the needs of incoming students.
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places to school leavers with disabilities. 18 colleges participate Entry requirements must be met as usual. Must ‘opt in to DARE’