Educational Services for Children of Under-Served Populations
focuses on inclusion and quality within the formal education system. targets the basic education sector (Grades 1 to 9) geographical areas where many children are either not enrolled in the formal school system or exhibit high rates of dropout from the system integrate marginal social groups, particularly ethnic groups such as the country's Muslim minority, more closely into Cambodian society in a way that preserves the integrity of their own culture but which also promotes national unity highly consistent with Child Friendly Schools policy
April 2005 3 technical areas including (a) Teacher Education; (b) Access and Quality; and (c) School- Community Partnerships.Teacher Education Access and QualitySchool- Community Partnerships 151 primary schools and 14 lower secondary schools providing services to approximately 57,000 children
the use of local committees for direct implementation (Local Cluster School Committees) school and community grants that promote stakeholder driven development the innovative use of activity menus to avoid prescriptive programming.
The Activity Menu model was originally developed by Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE), a Cambodian NGO committed to improving education for all children in Cambodia with funding from UNICEF.Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE) The American Institutes for Research and World Education also contribute to the success of the ESCUP project.American Institutes for Research World Education
developed to serve as a reference and tool for Ministries of Education and other development practitioners in their efforts to implement non-prescriptive interventions to engage school committees to prioritize the problems they encounter and to choose the appropriate interventions to solve those problems
each school committee conducts a needs assessment to determine and prioritize their problems developed for a Cambodian context but can be replicated for other countries/ regions
Rationale Expanded opportunities for students’ learning Objectives Ss have additional opportunities to explore interests related to the arts Ts can use to help Ss organize structured activities to build their self-confidence while developing critical thinking and communication skills
Materials & Facilities Large space to rehearse in Stationary, pens Materials for making sets, props, costumes Makeup Budget for miscellaneous performance/ club needs
Implementation Procedure Basic organizational principles Volunteerism Scope Target Grades Assessment of Ss’ interest & the use of orientations Setting division of labor Scheduling Resourcing
Suggested Activities Theater Games (physical & vocal acting) Developing a Performance Choosing a script Character role selection Staging Makeup Design Costume/ Set/ Prop Design Performance
Library and Classroom Bulletin Board Inviting Guest Speakers Linking clubs with the learning of other Ss
Statement of Interest Duties of Selected Club Officers Club Schedule Illustrative Budget for Club Activities