Effective Meeting Skills
Effective meeting skills Identify tips and tools for improving participation in, and facilitation of, meetings Describe what you can do before, during and after meetings to ensure more productive meetings Session 2.1.4
Meeting as part of a process During Before After
Before the meeting: Preparation Why: Clear objectives What: Clear agenda Who: Right people? Anticipate issues? Where: Choice? Layout? Seating? When: Best time? Enough time? How: How to facilitate effectively?
During the meeting
An Effective Facilitator… TASK Keeps to agenda Maintains focus Establishes common ground Records decisions Remains neutral PROCESS Sets ground rules Listens and observes Resolves conflict Manages pace Encourages all ROLE OF FACILITATOR Aids discussion Opens up and encourages discussion Asks questions Captures ideas Is neutral Makes links between ideas ROLE OF CHAIR Keeps the meeting going Guides the discussion Sets the scene Keeps the focus Keep objectives in sight Ensures time keeping Makes final decision Controls the discussion SKILLS OF FACILITATOR No ego Good listener Is a quick thinker SKILLS OF CHAIR Manages discussion Manages characters Is authorities
Creating a positive start The beginning of each meeting needs to: Relax and reassure Set the tone Encourage involvement Focus attention on purpose Build trust
Techniques for involving all Small groups …? Round robin Voting Allocate roles Post-its
After the meeting… Action notes ? Follow up Collate attendance sheets
Effective meetings clear objectives right people involve everyone open and honest run to time clear agreed action