StatusUpdate Jian-ping Chen, JLab SoLID Collaboration Meeting September 11-12, 2015
JLab User Meeting (June) LRP, Discussion with Tim Hallman, … PAC43 (July) Report on Director’s review New Physics: rungroup- TCS, LOI- DDVCS Hadron-China-2015 (August), discussions with Chinese groups Progress in GEMs R&D Development in MRPC Continuing progress in ECal Progress in subsystems, pre-R&D Magnet, another site visit to make arrangements DAQ/FastElectronics groups Software frame discussions Detector design refinements and pre-R&D Simulations Progress Since Last Meeting (May)
SoLID presented by J. P. Chen SoLID featured in JLab management talks, (Mont and Bob) Long Range Plan (Don Geesaman Presentation) SoLID part of #1 recommendation in Cold QCD Whitepaper SoLID in the MIE list Results will be public in October SoLID was highlighted in Tim Hallman’s talk Discussion with Tim Hallman: Pre-R&D: meeting at DOE scheduled 11/24/2015 Next step: Science Review soon Arrange to have Tim visit China JLab User Meeting (6/1-3/2015)
4 April 2015 Future Projects MOLLER experiment (Possible MIE – FY17-20) – Standard Model Test – DOE science review (September 2014) – strong endorsement - Technical, cost & schedule reviews? SoLID – Chinese collaboration – CLEO Solenoid – Director’s review (Feb. 2015) lots of good feedback Bob McKeown
Recommendations from the Cold QCD Town Meeting RECOMMENDATION I: With highest priority, we recommend both completion of construction and full operation of the 12 GeV CEBAF at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, along with targeted instrumentation investments, such as the SoLID and MOLLER projects. RECOMMENDATION II: A high luminosity, high-energy polarized Electron Ion Collider (EIC) is the highest priority of the U.S. Nuclear Physics QCD community for new construction after FRIB. RECOMMENDATION III: We recommend strong support for other existing facilities, such as the polarized proton facility at RHIC, university-based laboratories, and the scientists involved in these efforts, in order to guarantee the effective utilization of such resources for continued scientific leadership and discovery, and for educating the next generation of nuclear scientists in the USA. Don Geesaman
Recommendations from the Town Meetings Run JLAB12 Run RHIC RHI Run RHIC Spin and other existing facilities Run ATLAS and NSCL Participation in LHC Build and run FRIB Build EIC Lead NLDBD INCREASE Instrumentation and MIE Increase theory and theory computing Increase experimental research in Astro, FS&N These flow into possible Working Group recommendations Requests JLAB $75M LE $116M RHI $31M ASTRO $25M??? OTHER FS&N $116M TOTAL 363M Not Priority Ordered! Don Geesaman
JLAB Users Meeting June 3, Another Major New Detector Being Envisioned for JLAB 12 GeV SoLID Detector Schematic Tim Hallman
SoLID Review Report (Curtis Meyer) very positive followed up on our progress/discussions at the last collaboration meeting on addressing recommendations Endorsed Approval of Run Group Experiment - TCS Feedback on LOI-DDVCS The PAC endorses the 1 st phase of this experiment - parasitic to E12—12-006, with CLEOII muon chambers + extra electronics PAC43 (7/7-10/2015)
Progress in GEMs (Jianbei Liu’s talk tomorrow) GEM foil production: double and single masks, Full size chamber construction, 100x50 Both groups able to get INFN read-out system working Progress in MRPC Long term stability tested (Yi Wang, Tsinghua) Potential improvement in time resolution by a factor 3? Needs R&D, especially in readout electronics, Under discussion and consideration by the USTC group Progress in Ecal Shandong University (Cunfeng Feng) awarded an R&D grant Continuing R&D, in collaboration with UVa (Xiaochao) Hadron-China-2015 (8/3-8/7), Discussions
Likely DOE project funding for SoLID after 2018 Now to project funding starts: Pre-R&D funding Jlab support: phone meeting with Rolf/Patrizia/Thia discussed collaboration needs and inputs from Physics Division in addition to CLEOII magnet, there will be 1) DAQ/Fast Electronics Group support 2) possible support to some small items (ECal?) Meeting in Nov 24 with DOE to discuss DOE support of user groups for pre-R&D Critical items to help make the design realistic and reliable Research management plan (prioritize within collaboration) I have some inputs from ECal, Software, DAQ, HGC needs input on LGC, GEM, MRPC, Slow Control Pre-R&D