Communication, Power and Politics in Organization “We must not forget that organizations run on subservience”. W. Charles Redding (1985) W. Charles Redding (1985)
Communication, Power and Politics in Organization Subservience? Being submissive or acting as a servant. Being submissive or acting as a servant. Organizational power is tied to status.
Power - Status - Top to bottom
Types of power Reward power Coercive power Referent power Expert power Legitimate power
Dimensions of power Pluralists – power was distributed equitably in society and there was no ruling elite who controlled decision- making processes. Elitists – power was concentrated in the hands of the privileged.
ORGANIZATIONAL POWER Gaining Through Personal Characteristic Gaining Through No personal Characteristics Expertise Interpersonal Relationships Control of Information Control of Resources Symbols POWERPOWER
Question If a supervisor has seldom rewarded or punished an employee, either directly or indirectly, his power is likely to be weak?
Leadership & Communication Differences between leader vs. manager? Who is leader then?
Leadership Definition - the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.
Leadership and Communication Executive leadership – concerns the issue of top management or executive-level leadership Leadership in Dyad and Group – Leader behavior and communication consequences at dyad and group The Leader as Individual – Engaged in the direction of one or more other organization members
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership Theories of Leadership Behavior Leadership as Trait – Attempted to distinguish leaders from nonleaders on the basis of certain personality trait. What are the traits: Intelligence, Responsibility, Character.
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership Theories of Leadership Behavior Leadership as Style Early style theory: Laissez-faireAuthoritarianDemocratic
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership Theories of Leadership Behavior Leadership as Style The leadership Grid – identify eight style of leadership
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership Theories of Leadership Behavior Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership – concerns with emotions, values, symbolic behavior and the role of leader in making events meaningful for follower. Based on the principle of exchange.
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership Theories of Leadership Behavior Transformational Leadership Leader-member exchange – high quality and low quality relationships
Question How leader communicate between subordinate and others in work group?