EPAN – eGovernment WG Study on organisational changes, skills and the role of leadership required by eGovernment Christine Leitner (EIPA) Luxembourg, 24 February 2005
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Background EPAN Mid Term Programme focus: Organisational changes and skills required for eGovernment ▶ “(to) identify the acquisition of the different skills (not only technical skills) which are needed by managers (and clerical staff) to govern and manage change. ▶ “By the end of 2005 the eGovernment skills required will be appraised and recommendations will be agreed by the Member States”
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Background - 2 ▶ Commission Communication (2003) e-government is "...the use of ICT combined with organisational change, new skills in order to improve public services and democratic processes and public policies" ▶ Kok report emphasises role of skills ▶ CoBrA recommendations ▶ IPTS workshop Seville 07/02 identified research challenge
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Objectives of the study The report will ▶ attempt to describe the context in the EU ▶ identify learning points and transferable good practice with regard to organisational change, skills and leadership requirements ▶ focus on the identification of the new skills required ▶ an attempt will be made to draw up a list of recommendations for future action which focus on the identification of skills ▶ provide input for discussions for recommendations by end EPAN Mid Term Programme
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Methodology ▶ Questionnaire to the 25+3 EWG members to describe the context The questionnaire aims to identify what measures MS propose to encourage organisational change what measures MS propose to encourage leadership how national e-government strategies and action plans do include measures on skills what programmes do exist what could be done at the European level/in the framework of EUPAN ▶ Selected case studies and (semi-structured) interviews Each case (or group of cases) will be assigned to a “country referent”
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Timetable DateTask 13/01/2005Questionnaires sent to EPAN 04/02/2005Questionnaires returned to EIPA 22/02/2005Outline of study Slides for presentation meeting on 24/05/2005 sent to EIPA 24/02/2005Presentation of outline and preliminary results of questionnaires Presentation of study methodology and objectives 12-13/05/2005Presentation of Study to gruop 30/06/2005Final Report
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire –preliminary results ▶ Answers to the Questionnaire: 9 Member States - 1 Candidate Country ▶ Late answers are still welcome!!!
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire - 1 ▶ Who is responsible at the central level for strategic aspects related to skills, organisational change and leadership development for eGovernment, and how is the coordination between the different actors involved? ▶ Are there other entities at the regional and local level responsible for those aspects? Variety of situations depending on the institutional structure of the State (unitary or federal, centralised or decentralised), the organisation of the civil service system and the organisational structures for general training In most of the countries regions and/or local entities have competences in these issues, and in general coordination mechanisms exist between the central, regional and local level
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire - 2 Do your action plans on eGovernment include measures on : If yes or planned, please specify what kind of measures yesPlannedNo Skills5 MS (D, LT, NL, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 3 MS (A, D, SI) Organisationa l changes 6 MS (A. D, LT, NL, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) Leadership4 MS (LT, NL, S, UK)2 MS (A, SI) 1 CC (BG)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire - 3 Are there specific instruments to identify skill gaps? If yes or planned, please specify what kind of instruments are used and what actions have you taken or have been planned to meet the needs identified (for example, coaching, training, recruitment, etc)? YesPlannedNo 5 MS (D, LT, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 2 MS (D, SI)3 MS (A, F, NL)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire – 4a What programmes do exist? Type of training yesPlannedNo Continuous training 5 MS (A, F, LT, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 1 MS (SI) Short-term training 7 MS (A, D, F, LT, NL, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 2 MS (D, SI) Other (specify)4 MS (A, D, NL, UK)2 MS (D, F)1 MS (SI) 1 CC (BG)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire – 4b What programmes do exist? Target groups yesPlannedNo Top-level managers 5 MS (A, D, LT, NL, S) 1 CC (BG) 3 MS (D, F, SI) Middle management 7 MS (A, D, F, LT, NL, S) 1 CC (BG) 3 MS (D, F, SI) Other (specify)5 MS (A, D, F, NL, UK) 1 CC (BG) 2 MS (D, F)1 MS (SI)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire – 4c What programmes do exist? Methodologies yesPlannedNo Traditional training7 MS (A, D, F, LT, NL, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 3 MS (A, D, SI) eLearning6 MS A, D, F, LT, NL, UK) 4 MS (A, D, F, SI)1 CC (BG) Coaching4 MS (LT, NL, S, UK) 1 CC (BG) 2 MS (A, F)1 MS (SI) Other (specify)2 MS (D, UK)3 MS (A, D, F)1 MS (SI) 1 CC (BG)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire - 5 At the University level, are there : If yes or planned, please specify which these programmes are, and if possible the number of universities that have them yesPlannedNo Post-graduate programmes 4 MS (D, F, LT, UK) 2 MS (F, SI)2 MS (A, NL) 1 CC (BG) Full-time / part-time (executive programmes) 6 MS (A, D, F, LT, S, UK) 2 MS (F, SI)1 MS (NL) 1 CC (BG) Other (specify)1 MS (F) 1 CC (BG) 1 MS (F)2 MS (A, NL)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire – 6 ▶ What can be done in the framework of the European Public Administration Network in this field? Exchange of experiences and best practices Cooperation on EU level (specialised competence hubs, credit for courses from different MS...) Joint initiatives A common European curriculum on eGovernment Definition of common programmes for different levels and target groups Development of a methodology for identifying skill gaps and a set of recommendable instruments for overcoming these gaps Research on existing academies (like Dutch IMAC) and programmes
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Questionnaire – 6 (cont) Research on existing elearning modules and to what extent they are open to public servants in other countries How innovation in the public sector is given shape Consider how suppliers of IT services might be encouraged to adopt the same or comparable skills frameworks Work with bodies responsible for developing skills frameworks intended for the wider IT community Development of training programmes for the eexchange of data in the EU Examining the possibility of implementation of methodologies and standards of SCORM (Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model)
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership Cases Name of CaseCountryDescription Gemeente HeusdenThe NetherlandsLocal administration tool, “emunicipality” The virtual customs officeSwedenService for customs-related interactions in order to facilitate the day-to-day work and reinforce Swedish competitiveness ELAK (Der elektronische Akt) AustriaNational and regional roll-out of electronic filing and archiving The EWD-P SystemPolandAn application responsible for elaboration of the official Polish standpoint concerning adjustment of the newly associated states law to the EU procedures and regulations. The mechanisms and the role of the underlying platform for knowledge management intensive portals development are presented. Regio ValenciaSpainKnowledge management experience on the Region of Valencia ( Tool, use of tool and experience of use) Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) UKFully automated workflow between applicants, schools, exam boards, the universities, and UCAS, except that human selectors make decisions. Significant cost and staff savings made.
EPAN, eGov WG, Organisational changes, skills and leadership EIPA TEAM Christine Leitner (Project Manager) Guadeloupe Soto Mora Matthias Kreuzeder and external experts