Using social value to inform community investment decisions Dawn Clark Community Projects Manager
Who are we? Over 33,000 homes Across the North West, Yorkshire and the Midlands Your Housing Group also provides homes for sale and shared ownership as well as Extra Care housing, sheltered and supported accommodation for older people and young adults Our mission is "transforming your lives and your communities" We do this by providing the people who live in our communities with a wide range of guidance and support services.
Community Sustainability & Regeneration 4 Regional Teams Community Planning Performance framework 5 Strategic Themes Move towards asset driven sustainability model – right intervention, right place
Partnership with HACT Working with HACT for past 2 years: Impact on individual wellbeing – value insight Audit with HACT April 2015 Executive and Board Buy In
Achievements £860,000 External Investment secured 690 Volunteering hours £31,660 raised for charity 811 residents secured employment & training 13,075 residents engaged in health & wellbeing projects 4,328 older people engaged in projects 2,106 young people engaged in projects £1.5m customer benefit secured by Money Advice Team 1,462 residents supported to sustain tenancies through ourv tenancy support offer £18m of social value created
Why use Wellbeing Valuation ? Compliments other forms of measuring impact of projects: Number of beneficiaries Impact to business -cost benefit Social Value – impact to individual Together provide a who impact picture Provide evidence to stakeholders and funders of impact Communication internally and externally what our investment is achieving – VFM, target within VFM strategy Identify areas of investment that deliver greatest returns Inform future investment decisions Focus each pound on making the greatest difference in our communities
Example Allerdale Partnership Allerdale BC, Executive Members YHG and Community Joint Strategic programme focussing on areas of greatest need Aligned priorities and projects Attracted external investment
Projects YHG have used Value Insight to select projects that generate social value Helps justify/focus on the projects that will have greatest impact Longer term more beneficial projects Measure/Evidence the impact on individuals VFM – Not just economic impact
Contractors/Suppliers Partners Include Social Value in our contract procurement Support partners to measure their social value Help partners align priorities VFM
Considerations Time and effort Phased approach – Community projects & employment & skills, Tenancy support & money advice Buy in Some projects don’t lend themselves to evidencing a wellbeing value –limitations of questions, length of provision, need to evidence an improvement to wellbeing Recommend lots of testing and a gradual implementation
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