Providing information for integration Ligia Ferreira Lincolnshire County Library Multicultural Development Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Providing information for integration Ligia Ferreira Lincolnshire County Library Multicultural Development Service

The reshaping of Library Services Front line first Inclusion Access Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 LGA Equality Standard

How we recognised the need Experiences of ethnicity Steering Group Partnership working Community consultation

How the team was developed Finance identified Posts established Multicultural awareness training Partnerships

Learning Opportunities include: ESOL classes ICT Courses Introduction to Childminding Practice Basic Skills

Celebrations Include: Black History Month International Women’s Day Portuguese National Day Roma Day

Working Together: Sure Start Police Authority Cultural Partnership Group African Caribbean Society Gypsy Liaison Group

Needs Based Library Service : Listen to the Needs Consulting with the community Being Proactive

What we have achieved: Recognition and trust of communities Raised Library Profile National Recognition of work undertaken Organisational Change Award 2005 Libraries Change Lives Award 2006

Lincolnshire Libraries Change Lives Award To be delivered in partnership with local libraries To focus on community need To promote diversity

My life is now more…

Contact details Ligia Ferreira Inclusion Services Manager Culture and Adult Education