Auteur: Simon Broek Datum: 7 oktober 2009 A Reference framework of key competences of adult learning professionals Presentation by Simon Broek Research voor Beleid
Background the study Action plan: improve the quality of provision in the adult learning sector Study “Adult learning professions in Europe (ALPINE)” Need for a reference framework of competences Developing a common set of key competences Propose flexible and alternative pathways for transfer of competences
Definition of “competence”: “Competences should be understood as a complex combination of knowledge, skills and abilities/attitudes, needed to carry out a specific (or a complex) task in a certain context leading to results. Knowledge should be understood as a body of facts, concepts, ideas, principles, theories and practices, that is related to a field of practice, work of study; skills as a capacity learned or acquired through training, to perform actions by applying knowledge; and abilities/attitudes as physical, mental or emotional capacity to perform a task”
Result: the reference framework Two remarks as an introduction: 1.Difference between reference framework and competence profile: Reference framework is abstract, competence profile concrete with regard to: Activities Competences Context 2.All activities should be covered on a institutional level
Result: the reference framework 2 levels of competences: 1.Generic competences (7) 2.Specific competences Directly related to the learning process (6) Supportive for the learning process (6) The model will only mention the heading, the description contains information on knowledge, skills and attitudes
Repetoire of activities
Reference framework of key competences
The content of the reference framework The description of each competence contains the following information: Title Description of the competence Knowledge Skills Attitudes Empirical underpinning Contextual differences/clarifications Activities related to/supported by this competence
What is specific for professionals in the adult learning sector as opposed to initial education? Specificness is in the description, not in the headings More emphasis on diversity -> Competence A7: Dealing with diversity and groups More emphasis on motivating adults -> Competence A6: Empowering adult learners Using different learning methods, styles and techniques -> Included in A5, B2, B3, B6 More emphasis on guidance -> See B5 Using the expertise and background of the learners -> Competence A4
A quick look at A6: Competence in empowering the adult learners to learn and support themselves in their development into, or as, fully autonomous lifelong learners: being a motivator Description: The adult learning professional is competent in empowering the adult learners to develop themselves towards-, or as autonomous lifelong learners. The professional is able to use different styles and techniques to motivate, empower and inspire adult learners in their learning process and is able to make clear the relevance of the learning from a broader perspective. The adult learning professional is responsible for creating a stimulating learning environment for adult learners. Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to this competence: Knowledge: The adult learning professional has knowledge on methods and techniques to stimulate, motivate and empower adult learners to learn and develop themselves has knowledge of cultural differences of learners Skills: The adult learning professional is able to motivate, stimulate and empower adult learners is able to communicate the relevance of the learning process within a wider perspective is able to bring in daily life Attitudes: The adult learning professional is empathic is inspiring for adult learners
The activities-competences matrix