CHAPTER Fifteen Crisis/Hostage Negotiation
Crisis intervention is the core of hostage negotiation Most crises involving barricade situations occur in the home, are unplanned, and involve males who are enraged by domestic disputes 12% involve hostages 52% of all hostage takings are instigated by mentally ill or emotionally disturbed individuals Violence is rising in the workplace and acts of hostage taking occur there Background
Psychological dynamics of people who survive being held hostage are not unlike those of victims of battering, coerced prostitutes, and abused children It is not uncommon for potential suicides and domestic violence situations to end up as barricade or hostage situations As a result of crisis intervention theory and techniques, more than 95% of crisis/hostage situations are resolved peacefully Background Cont.
Types of Hostage Takers Instrumental Expressive The Mentally Disturbed The Schizophrenic Personality The Bipolar Personality The Inadequate/Dependent Personality The Antisocial Personality The Borderline Personality Dynamics of Hostage Taking
Other Hostage Takers The Estranged Person The Institutionalized Individual The Wronged Person Alcohol and Substance Abuse Stages and Dynamics of a Hostage Situation Alarm Crisis Accommodation Stockholm Syndrome Resolution Dynamics of Hostage Taking Cont.
REACT Recognition of needed conditions Engagement builds rapport and facilitates ventilation and validation Assessment continuously evaluates the physical risks to all parties Contracting/Controlling Facilitating an agreement on how to resolve the incident Planning out how it will be resolved Helping the perpetrator with his or her ambivalence Controlling how the surrender will occur so that nothing goes wrong Gaining surrender of the hostage taker and release of the hostages Terminating/Transferring is arranging for follow-up care Intervention Models
S.A.F.E. Substantive issues are the initial demands made by the subject and the return demands of the negotiator. Attunement is the degree of relational trust, respect, and desire to cooperate with another party. Face is the self-image of the parties that is either threatened or honored (saving face). Emotion is the degree of emotional distress experienced by both parties. Intervention Models Cont.
Communication Techniques Cultural Factors Recognition and Assessment Controlling and Contracting Transferring Containing the Scene Inner and outer perimeters are secured around the hostage scene and a command post is established in the inner perimeter Gathering Information The most important and time-sensitive information that the negotiator needs is a profile of the hostage taker Who are the hostages? What are the specifications of the hostage site? Intervention Strategies
Stabilizing the Situation Contain and stabilize the situation Calm the hostage taker and build rapport Allow the hostage taker the opportunity to ventilate feelings Use “I” statements and reflective summaries Persuading the Hostage Taker to Give Up Start by negotiating smaller issues first be clear that the hostage taker gets nothing without giving something in return The Crisis Worker as Consultant Controversial issue Intervention Strategies Cont.
Ensure your own safety. Avoid soliciting demands the negotiator cannot or will not keep. Listen for and remember clues regarding the perpetrator’s emotional state so you can pass that information on to the negotiator. Do not offer anything to the perpetrator of a material nature. Minimize the seriousness of the perpetrator’s crime. Do not refer to anybody as “hostage.” Do not try to trick the hostage taker or be dishonest. If You Are Put in the Role of Negotiator
Never give an absolute no or yes to a demand. Do not be creative in making suggestions or putting thoughts in the perpetrator’s mind. If the perpetrator seems suicidal, ask about it, and adopt a suicide prevention mode. No relatives, friends, bosses, or anybody else needs to be brought to the scene unless the negotiator decides to do so later. If they are already at the scene, it is probably best to get them away from it. Do not offer to exchange yourself. If You Are Put in the Role of Negotiator Cont.
Do not be a hero. Follow instructions. Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not make suggestions. Try to rest and eat. Carefully weigh escape options. Request aid if needed. Be observant. Do not be argumentative. Be patient. If You are Held Hostage
Avoid standing out. Treat captives with deference and respect. Do not slight the seriousness of the situation by attempting to inject humor into it. Be careful of trickery. Do not embarrass your captors. Keep your confidence and self-esteem. Keep to routines. Use fantasy, day dreaming, and future planning. When rescue comes, follow the rescuers’ directions precisely. If You are Held Hostage Cont.
Stockholm Syndrome Acute Stress Disorder Postincident Interview Crisis Intervention With Hostage Survivors Initial Debriefing Subsequent Intervention Procedures Crisis Intervention with the Hostage Negotiator Intervention After Release