By Daniela Diaz and Monica Rubalcava
*Holland dominated the States General, the central governments of the Netherlands, but distrusted the House of Orange *During both the 17 th and 18 th centuries, the political and economics life of Netherlands differed from that of the rest of Europe *Spain and the wars against Louis XIV, extensive toleration marked Dutch religious life *The Calvinist Reformed Church was the official church of the nation *During the 17 th century, the Dutch drained and reclaimed much land from the sea
*The Dutch also supplied textiles to many parts of Europe *Dutch Ships appeared in harbors all over the continent
*The decline in political influence the United Provinces of the Netherlands occurred within in the 18 th century -the fishing industry declined and the Dutch lost their technological superiority in shipbuilding *only financial institutions kept the Dutch from complete insignificance
*He takes over country once the death of Cardinal Mazarin *often conferred with councils and the regional judicial bodies call the parlements
*Louis XIV wanted to secure the France borders *The treaties signed to end wars expanded France territory.
France remain in great power What France required was economic recovery and consolidation and wiser political leadership
Rules of Frederick William(Great Elector) Raised taxes through forces to build an army Army and elector become powerful allies
Went to power at age 10 Wanted to increase the Russian military Went to war with the Ottomans In the Great Northern War – he defeats Sweden taking control of Esonia and Livonia Went to power at age 10 Wanted to increase the Russian military Went to war with the Ottomans In the Great Northern War – he defeats Sweden taking control of Esonia and Livonia
in ruling, Peter ignored Duma -advisory council- Organized his administration into several departments which took care of a region Table of Ranks- *made a person’s social life position *When Peter dies, leaves no successor as Russia becomes unstable
Sultans governed their empire through milleis(religious communities) Their was still some discrimination of religions(non-Islamic persons in empire could not worship and had to pay poll tax Ottoman empire failed to expand their empire Suffers military loses to united European sates Europe sees the Ottoman Empire as one in decline and Islam as an inferior religion
The end of the 17 th and the early part of the 18 th centuries were a period of organizational economy Peter the Great important steps were taken that would have far-reaching impact on both nations future development The European stage was now set for a great power struggle in the period from 1750 through the age of Napoleon that ended in 1815.