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Presentation transcript:


WARM UP What do you think would make a society stable? What would make it unstable?

REVIEW Turn and talk – what is a “Society”?

STABILITY What does it mean? Something that is stable is strong, and not likely to fall apart. Stability is the state of being stable.

FACTORS THAT INDICATE A STABLE SOCIETY: 1. Functional government system is consistent for long period of time with little chance of being overthrown 2. No war on the country’s soil 3. General health and high life expectancy of population 4. Government is responsive to the needs of citizens through policies and programs 5. Laws are mostly effective (Rule of Law)

UNSTABLE SOCIETY 1. Civil war or other war on country’s soil 2. Government at risk of being overthrown or was overthrown recently 3. Low life expectancy 4. Government is not attempting to take care of the needs of citizens through policies and programs 5. Laws are not effective and there is a lot of crime.

EXAMPLE #1 After World War II, Great Britain took over Somalia and made laws for the people there. In 1945, Italy began ruling Somalia along with Great Britain. In 1960, Somalia gained its independence and formed a new government with a new constitution. Somali’s elected the president Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, but he was shot dead in 1969, and the army took over the government, threw out the constitution and formed a new government to take its place. Since then, there has been almost constant civil war, and many new governments and constitutions.

EXAMPLE #2 In Poland, there is a democratic government and a capitalist economy. It has been this way since 1989 when the communist system was overthrown. In the 1990’s the crime rate in Poland started to rise due to corruption in the government and the decreased power of the police, and Poland developed one of the largest organized crime systems in the world.

EXAMPLE #3 Because Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari’ah). The King is at the top of the legal system and has total control, in what is called an absolute monarchy. The government has been this way since the 1800s. No political parties or elections are allowed. Saudi Arabia has a very strict criminal justice system and people are punished harshly for any crimes. At trial, there is a presumption of guilt and the accused is often unable to examine witnesses and evidence or present a legal defense. Most trials are held in secret. Women have few rights. People live long lives in Saudi Arabia, however, living an average of about 76 years.

EXAMPLE #4 Denmark has a socialist democratic government that has been more or less the same for about 100 years. It is considered to be one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Danes enjoy a high standard of living and the country ranks highly in numerous comparisons of national performance, including education, health care, and protection of the rights of citizens. The crime rates are low.

EXAMPLE #5 Chile is one of the most peaceful nations and least corrupt countries in South America. It’s government was overthrown in 1973 and Chileans lived with a cruel dictator, Pinochet, until 1990, but after he was removed from power, Chile transitioned to a democracy that is still in place today.

EXIT TICKET 1. Do you think a dictatorship can be stable? How do you know? 2. Could a democracy be unstable? How do you know? 3. How does instability impact people’s lives?