Economic Update November 2000 Economics 285 Michael Smitka
Recent Macro Growth
Summary of the September 2000 Labor Force Survey [31 Oct. 2000] Employment -- Fell 0.5%. Unemployment -- Rose 30 thousand to 4.7% Population 15+ yrs old108,460, , % Labor force 68,000, , % Employed 64,800, , % Unemployed 3,200, , % Not in labor force 40,340, , % Participation rate 62.7% -0.6% - Unemployment rate 4.7% +0.1% -
Consumer Price Changes Ku-area of Tokyo, October | IndexChange fromChange from | previous month previous year Ten Major Group Index General | (excluding imputed rent) | (excluding fresh food ) | Food | Housing | Fuel, light & water | Furniture & household | Clothes & footwear| Medical care| Transport/communication| Education| Reading and recreation| Miscellaneous| Commodity and Service Group Index Commodities | Services |
Interest Rates Current lending rates: Short-term prime rate: 1.5% Long-term prime rate:2.25%
Credit Creation & Money
Fiscal Policy Measures
Consumption is Falling!
Retail Sales are Falling
Only Items Up: Consumer Electronics & Foreign Travel But Foreign Travel Doesn’t Help GDP!
Japanese Land Prices +20% 0%
Stock market