Bull-Bear Party Chicago, Illinois
1.No rifle, shotgun or handgun may be sold to a minor under 18 years of age, a convicted felon, or a person under indictment. 2.All purchases of Handguns, Shotguns, require a permit awarded to you from you secretary of state 3.In order to receive a weapon permit one must go through the process of receiving a government background check and must be cleared to receive a permit 4.Automatic weapons are not to be purchased in the state of Illinois. 5.Our party believes that the current gun control laws in the state of Illinois are inneffective and need to be improved. We realize that the right to bear arms is part of the United States constitution and we respect that amendment in every way, however due to the increase in gun related violence in our city we decided that a fair gun control law would be Our party believes that the current gun control laws in the state of Illinois are inneffective and need to be improved. We realize that the right to bear arms is part of the United States constitution and we respect that amendment in every way, however due to the increase in gun related violence in our city we decided that a fair gun control law would be: Gun Control
Gay Marriage ●40% of Chicago citizens are Christian and oppose gay marriage ●Gay marriage is currently illegal in Chicago ●Our founding fathers did not shape america on the idea of equality especially if it was against religious ideas. Our parties stance on gay marriage is to allow homosexuals to get married in our state, however if a church or place of religious ceremonies chooses not to marry homosexuals then they will not be forced to. We realize that a majority of our state does in fact support gay marriage, but we also want to appeal to the religious values of the other percentage of Chicago natives. We believe that this rule is fair and will appeal to both sides.
Health Care Our party believes that healthcare should be available to anyone who needs it. But our party also believes that no person should be forced to purchase health care. Many people receive healthcare from medicaid and medicare, and the health care bill is unnecessary to them because they receive coverage already. Many people don’t want, don’t need, or already have health care. Those people shouldn’t be forced to purchase an insurance plan from the government. Our focus is the people who aren’t covered by insurance and would like to buy healthcare at an affordable price. Founding Fathers believed in promoting general welfare for the county. Health Care helps people who need health care but can’t afford it.
Abortion Our party's stance on abortion is that we are pro-choice. We believe that if the pregnancy puts both the mother and child's life at risk then the mother should have the choice to terminate the pregnancy. If the woman faced sexual abuse and as a result became pregnant, then she should be able to have an abortion. The issue of abortion relates to our Founding Father’s idea of individual responsibility and equality because it’s the mother’s choice and responsibility as to whether or not they want to terminate the pregnancy or keep the child. Most Americans agree that if the mother's health is endangered then they should be able to get an abortion. About 48.2% of African American women choose to receive abortions unlike the much lower abortion rate that whites have which is 13.8%. Other races abortion rate is 21.6%. 32.9% of Chicago’s population consists of African American therefore our stance will be highly favored by a large percentage of our population. New York has the highest abortion rate in the United States which is 37.6%. Illinois’ abortion rate remains high as well at 20.5%. New York and Illinois not only share high abortion rates, but they also have diverse and large populations which contribute to both regions high abortion rates. Surprisingly, members of different social classes tend to have the same beliefs when it comes to the issue of abortion. Typically, they are all pro-choice. Yellow= 33% pro-life, Orange= 67% pro-choice
Marijuana Our party’s stance on marijuana legalization is we want it to be legalized. The youth are being sent to our jails with the same people who are committing much worse crimes. They’re filling up the jails and it takes money out of the taxpayers pockets for a very small crime. There’s over 140,000 crimes a year and we can’t have young adults of taking the place of potential rapists and murderers. If marijuana was legalized, tax revenue would be increased through dispensaries that would pay the city a licensing fee as well as taxes. Chicago is in a massive amount of debt and the tax revenue would bring in a lot money that could be used to partially pay off the debt. Even with the criminalization of cannabis, a very large amount of teens still smoke it (up to 80%). Our party believes that marijuana should be legalized and given to anyone who wishes, with the exception of people who have low GPAs since marijuana use is linked with people dropping out of school. You must maintain a certain GPA if you still want to purchase cannabis. Also, if you have an extensive criminal history you will not be allowed to purchase cannabis legally.
Push Polls Democrats want to make you buy health care. Will this make you more or less likely to vote for that party. Republicans believe that anyone should be able to have any gun. Would you still support the republican party. The Republican party wants everyone the be christian because we are a ‘christian country’. Are you more or less likely to vote for them. Both Republicans and Democrats believe that Marijuana isn’t a right given in the constitution. Does this change your opinion on the party? Some Republicans want Jim Crow placed. Would you still vote for them? The Ku Klux Klan was created by a democrat. Would you still support the party? Both parties are corrupt and responsible for the recent government shutdown. Do you still trust them? Current representative Bobby Rush believes that gangsters shouldn’t be arrested. Would you still vote for him?