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Presentation transcript:


RHYME. Friendship is a thing for two, Three or four, even more, Like a song that is made to sing. Friendship is a doing thing.

What Is Real Friendship? The real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other. A real friend is dear to you and you want friendship to last for a very long time. Friendship between two people grows when they do something useful together and when they have the same interests. Their friendship is still better if they understand each other well.

EXPRESSIONS. To help sb to live To be in a good mood To try to understand To be helpful to sb To spend time together To be generous To share secrets To keep promises

Proverbs About Friendship: “ A friend in need is a friend indeed ”. “ A good friend is as the sun in winter “. “ A friend is easier lost than found “. “ A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody “. “ Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him “.

RHYME. Friends are people who share, Friends are people who care. They try to understand. They give a helpful hand.


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