Last time is never found again
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Live and learn. Үйрен де жирен.
Never to late to learn. Үйренуге ешқашан кеш емес.
Knowledge is power. Білім күште.
My home is my castle. Өз үйім өлең төсегім.
First think than speak. An apple a day keeps doctor away Айтпас бұрын ойлан Күніне бір алма жесең дәрігерді қажет етпейсің.
Достар қиыншылықта танылады. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Кешкі екі сағаттан таңғы бір сағат артық An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
30 You won a point
Ә р н ә рсе ө з кез Everything is good in its season.
Еріншектің ертеңі бітпес Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
art is long. Life is short…………………..
no gains. No pains ……………
than never. Better late ……………
than words. Action speaks louder………………….
1 Crows do not travels fast. 2 Strike the iron who think himself so. 3 Laugh today pick crows eyes 4 He is happy while it’s hot 5 Bad news cry tomorrow.
better than one. Two heads are ___________
than riches. A good name better________________
that glitters. All is not gold____________________
so the fruits. Sunday. As the tree_______________ Every day is not_______________
A sound mind and your eyes open. Good health is like home There is no place in a sound body. Keep your mouth shut that lives well He lives long above wealth.
(a year) A little old man which 12 children: Some are short, some are long, some are cold, some are hot. What is it?
(the wind) What is without hands, without feet, without a head or body, but can open the door?
(a map) I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?
1.(book) 2.(name) 1.What teaches without talking? 2. What is it that man cannot live without?
(chair, table). What has four legs, but is not an animal?
1) идея кнопки «домик» 2) знак вопроса с человечком 3) мудрая сова 4) Шаблон игры выполнила: учитель начальных классов МАОУ лицея №21 г. Иванова Ранько Елена Алексеевна 5) Журнал English, издательский дом «Первое сентября», май 2014