Creating a Knowledge- Centered Learning Environment for the Instruction of Stochastic Processes Timothy I. Matis, New Mexico State University Linda A. Riley, William Rogers University James H. Matis, Texas A&M University
National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources Division of Undergraduate Education Course Curriculum and Lab Improvement Program Educational Materials Development Proof-of-Concept Project # Project Sponsor
Pedagogy ► Based on the How People Learn educational research compilation of the National Research Council ► Utilize collaborating industrial partners and DVD visual media to enhance student learning through the creation of a knowledge-centered learning environment
Creating a Knowledge-Centered Learning Environment ► Start with what the student knows or believes to be correct ► Create (possibly multiple) contexts for the students to organize knowledge ► Refine their base of knowledge through an iterative problem solving process ► Refer to these contexts when lecturing for the placement of newly acquired information
Learning Outcomes ► Conceptualization of past and future information acquired about stochastic processes (i.e. What is the difference between continuous and discrete time processes?, What does the Markov Property really mean?) ► Promotion of knowledge-transfer from the classroom to “real-world” problem solving
Undergraduate Modules ► Students presented with a non-trivial “real- world” application of stochastic processes ► Problem is solved in teams through an iterative model building, testing, parmeterizing, and analyzing process ► Each modules spans 3-4 weeks time ► Modules may replace tests as a student assessment tool.
Industrial Partners Fort Bliss Federal Credit Union Sandia National Labs Celestica B. Weaver Apiaries
K-12 Modules ► Initial Problem and Solution Presented ► Students Challenged with Solving an Extension to the Problem ► H.S. teachers trained in the use of the modules through workshops
Module Evaluations ► Modules reviewed by peer-educators, students, and professional evaluators ► Initial findings suggest that the modules do promote learning and knowledge transfer, yet are a bit challenging to the students ► Future modules will be shorter in length, less open-ended in solution, and available via web-streaming
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