New Mexico
Climate PrecipitationTemperature Winter 1in per month Summer 1/4in per month Winter 55degrees Summer 80degrees
Plants The plants in New Mexico are: Prickly pear cactus Yucca (state plant) Sand Verandas Cane Cholula cactus Ocotillo Saguaro cactus
Animals The animals in New Mexico are: Coyotes Fennec Jack Rabbit Bald Eagle Lizard Scorpions
Decomposers Mushrooms Lichen Moss
Food Chain Sun Seeds Plant Caterpillar Bird
Human Effect Pollution Oil Trash Water pollution
Natural Change Floods Floods effect plant of to much water and effect herbivores by making,them starve and it effects the carnivores cause it makes them starve to.
Adaptation Rabbits ad adapt by changing the color of their fur in the winter to create camouflage, to stay alive.
Endangered Species Baled eagle Black bear
Facts New Mexico is home of the balloon fiesta Sandia mountains Cuba mountains Roswell Carlsbad cavrins
Quiz What are the animals we listed What is the food chain