Transport of O 2 in blood: 1. Some dissolved 1.5% at normal atmospheric pressure 2. Most combined with hemoglobin 98.5%
Fe 2+ Oxygenation is reversible
ml O 2 / 100 ml blood 2 1 Each gm Hb binds 1.34 ml O 2 Each 100 ml blood has 15 g Hb 1 2 Blood nearly fully oxygenated even if PO 2 < 100 mmHg Hemoglobin gives up large volume of O 2 for a small drop in PO 2 at tissues
Factors which influence O 2 binding to HB O 2 affinity for Hb * is decreased by: PCO 2 pH acidosis temperature 2,3 diphosphoglycerate * affinity = shift of O 2 –Hb curve to right = easier unloading of O 2
Content O 2 (mldl –1 ) Saturation O2 %
O 2 carrying capacity of Hb at a particular PO 2 is decreased by PCO 2 (Bohr effect) Easier unloading of O2 in tissues, Easier loading of O2 in lungs.
Carbon monoxide CO 1. Odourless, colourless, non-irritant, no cyanosis 2. Combines with Hb at O 2 binding site 3. CO affinity for Hb is 200 times that of O 2 for Hb, so if CO at 0.1% in air and O 2 at 21% 1/2 Hb—CO and 1/2 Hb—O 2 at CO of 0.2% ~ nearly all Hb—CO
O 2 Transport Summary Forms in which O 2 is transported in blood Hemoglobin Hb—O 2 dissociation curve Factors affecting affinity of Hb for O 2 Carbon Monoxide
CO 2 transport in blood: 1. Dissolved approx 7% 2. Combined with Hemoglobin10–20% 3. As bicarbonate83%
CO 2 red cell CO 2 + Hb carbamino-hemoglobin CO 2 + R—N H H H COOH Note: not the same combining site as O 2 reaction is in deoxygenated Hb reaction is relatively slow quantitatively not as important as the next slide
CO 2 red cell CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3 HCO – + H + HHb H + + Hb – plasma H2OH2O Cl – carbonic acid carbonic anhydrase HCO 3 – ie Combination of CO 2 + H 2 O produces a weak acid – buffered by Hb Effect of O 2 on CO 2 transport: Deoxygenated Hb is a better buffer than HbO 2 deoxygenated Hb has a greater carrying capacity for CO 2 (Haldane effect)
Haldane Effect % CO 2 in blood (ml / 100 ml blood) B Lung capillaries PO 2 = 100 mmHg PCO 2 (mmHg) A PO 2 = 40 mmHg Tissue capillaries Carrying capacity for CO 2 is low when PO 2 is high = Lungs ~easier unloading of CO 2 Carrying capacity for CO 2 is high when PO 2 is low = Tissues ~easier loading of CO 2
1. CO 2 carrying capacity >> O 2 carrying capacity 2. CO 2 carrying capacity almost linearly with PCO 2 in physiological range.
Buffers: HA H + + A – Law of mass action: [H + ] [A – ] [HA] = K (2) now pH = negative log of [H + ] rearranging (2) pH = pK + log [A – ] [HA] Henderson- Hasselbach equation [H + ] = mmol/L pH = 7.4 range 7.0 — 7.7
R Buffers (biological): Proteins: 1. RCOOH RCOO + H + ~large conc RNH3 + RNH2 + H + Collectively Protein Protein + H + 2. pK 7.4 Hb (histidine) - 36 per molecule NH + HCHC H N H C C R N HCHC H N H C C + H + Deoxygenated Hb is a better buffer than HbO 2
H 2 CO 3 H + + HCO 3 – pH = pK 1 + log [HCO 3 – ] [H 2 CO 3 ] but CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3 so [H 2 CO 3 ] is proportional to [CO 2 ] pH = pK + log [HCO 3 – ] [H 2 CO 3 ] = pK 1 + log [HCO 3 – ] 0.03 x PCO 2 CO 2 at 37 C dissolves at 0.03 mmol/L/mmHg pK 1 = 6.1
[HCO 3 – ] regulated by kidneys PCO 2 regulated by lungs. Isohydric principle: all buffer systems are in equilibrium with one another: e.g. pH = pK 1 + log [A 1 – ] [HA 1 ] = pK 2 + log [A 2 – ] [HA 2 ] = etc pH = a constant + kidneys lungs
Respiratory disturbances may cause changes in pH e.g. ventilation PCO 2 and pH respiratory acidosis HCO 3 – retention by kidney tends to return pH to near normal Renal compensation takes days to occur
Hyperventilation PCO 2 cerebral vaso-constriction lightheaded / dizziness + Alkalosis Ca 2+ + albumin Ca—Alb and Ca 2+ spontaneous firing nerves so pH Ca 2+ pins and needles parasthesiae
Respiratory system may also compensate for other problems of acid base balance: Metabolic acid eg lactic acid, ketones or losses HCO 3 – from severe vomiting of intestinal contents severe diarrhoea injection of H + pH ventilation CO 2 tends to return pH to near normal
Summary CO 2 transport and acid base balance CO 2 in blood dissolved carbamino—Hb bicarbonate Haldane effect CO 2 carried if PO 2 is low biological buffers respiratory disturbances of acid-base balance respiratory compensation for acid-base disturbances