CCAP Instructors: Vickie Kelly Rodney Lipps
What is CCAP? CCAP is the Clay County Educational & Career Advancement Project
CCAP’s Goals Assist individuals in finding and maintaining employment based on their interests and skills Help employers locate and select qualified applicants for job openings Reduce employee turnover Increase the number of adult learners using technology to advance their educational and employment needs Increase the number of adult learners transitioning to postsecondary education
WorkKeys Curriculum WorkKeys is an assessment system created by ACT for use in the business community WorkKeys compares the skills of workers with the skills required by the job CCAP participants will use the WIN & PLATO online curriculums to prepare for the WorkKeys assessment test Individuals can earn a Kentucky Employability Certificate (KEC) based on their WorkKeys assessment scores
Purpose of the KEC The Kentucky Employability Certificate (KEC) was created to: Provide skill-based credentials to Kentuckians to help them secure employment Provide employers with workers that have documented skills proficiencies Create a pool of certified applicants that employers can hire with confidence
How to Earn a KEC Students will be assessed on three skill areas of the WorkKeys online curriculum Applied Math Locating Information Reading For Information Results of the WorkKeys assessment are presented on a scale of 3-7 Students scoring 4 or higher on all three areas will receive a Silver KEC Students scoring 5 or higher on all three areas will receive a Gold KEC
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Contact Information Campbell-Reed Learning Center 207 Church Street Manchester, KY (606)