HASINA AKTHER Assistant teacher Laxminarayonpur Pouro Model Govt. Primary school. Sadar,Noakhali.
Class-Five Subject-English Lesson-20 Lesson’s Name-My country Part’s of lesson: There are….very much.
Students will be able to-.. 1.Pronounce the words correctly (sundarban, Interesting, Royal Bengal Tiger.) 2.Spelling the words, 3.Meaning the words 4.Use them in sentences correctly. s
Create safe environment by song
Title My Country
Pronunciation of those unknown words in several time. by using push pin board.
Showing Picture
Teacher’s loud reading.
Ss loud reading Elicit the new words: Interesting, Sunderban, Royal Bengal Tiger.
Pair work Missing game For spelling and Meaning. Use those words.
Group work Make sentence bellow the words. Time: 5 Minutes. Sundarban Interesting Royal Bengal Tiger
Make sentences express your own idea: Time-5 minutes’. sundarban : Interesting : Royal Bengal Tiger :
Home Task ….. Make sentences use three words (attractive,peace,river) from the lesson.
Good bye