L16: 16.1 “The Heart Meets Resistance”
PURPOSE: To demonstrate the effect of clogged arteries on blood flow
HYPOTHESIS: I believe that when arteries are clogged, …… because……
PROCEDURE: See page. 140
DATA: Group Member: # of squeezes w/o stopper: # of squeezes with large- hole stopper: # of squeezes with small- hole stopper: Name 1: Name 2: Average:
DATA CONTINUED: Make bar graph to plot the averages from your data chart.
DATA CONTINUED: 1. Under what conditions were you able to complete the most squeezes in 15 seconds? 2. Which situation is representative of a normal artery?
3. Which situation is representative of the most severely clogged artery? 4. Write one sentence to describe the difference in how your hand felt for each situation.
5. On the basis of how your hand felt during the test with the small-holed stopper, what do you think might happen to your heart if it had to pump blood through an artery whose diameter was narrowed by plaque?
6. On the basis of what you have discovered in this lesson, what do you think it means if someone has “high” blood pressure?
Fig on pg. 141 shows an electronic reading of blood pressure: 7. Why do you think the line goes up and down repeatedly? 8. List two things that would cause the line to go higher.
VOCABULARY: Clogged artery Resistance Blood pressure
CONCLUSION: Be sure to look back at the original purpose, and discuss it in your conclusion. Use complete sentences. Use all vocabulary words, demonstrating an understanding of each.