Fun Facts 19 billion capillaries Per droplet of blood- 100,000 platelets 1 million red blood cells
Cardiovascular System Heart- Muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. Atrium- 2 upper chambers of the heart. - Receives blood that comes into the heart. Ventricle- 2 lower chambers of the heart. - Pumps blood out of the heart. Valve- Is a flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward. Septum- Separates the left atrium and ventricle from the right atrium and right ventricle. Aorta- Largest artery in the body. Superior Vena Cava- Largest vein in the body.
Blood Vessels Arteries- Carry blood away from the heart. Veins- Bring blood back to the heart. Capillaries- Substances are exchanged between the blood and body cells.
Pulse- Is caused by the alternating expansion and relaxation of the artery wall. Blood Pressure- Is caused by the force with the ventricles contract. Sphygmomanometer- Instrument used to measure blood pressure.
Path of Circulation Right Ventricle- Pumps blood that is poor in oxygen to the lungs. Aorta- Artery that carries the blood to the lungs. Left Atrium- Receives the blood that now is oxygen rich. Valve- Opens to allow oxygen rich blood to move to the Left Ventricle. Left Ventricle- Pumps blood to rest of the body. Pulmonary Artery- Pumps blood to the rest of the body. All Parts of Body- Receives nutrients, and oxygen. Gets rid of carbon dioxide and waste. Right Atrium- Receives oxygen poor blood.
Blood 4 Component of blood 1. White Blood cells 2. Red Blood cells 3. Platelets 4. Plasma
Blood Cont. Plasma- Liquid part of blood. Water makes up 90% of blood. Transports nutrients and oxygen. Red Blood Cells- Carry oxygen throughout the body. -Hemoglobin- Iron containing protein that binds chemically to oxygen. White Blood Cells- Are the body’s disease fighters. They fight infections. Platelets- They collect and stick to the vessel at the site of the wounds and stop the blood flow which creates a scab.
Blood Types AA - A and O BB - B and O AB - A, B, AB, O OO - O
Cardiovascular Diseases Atherosclerosis- A condition in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the buildup of fatty materials. Heart Attack- Occurs when blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. Hypertension- Is a disorder in which a person’s blood pressure is consistently higher than normal. Usually defined as greater then 140/90.
Keeping Healthy Exercise and Diet Avoid Smoking Bypass Surgery- If an artery is blocked they will take an artery or vein from somewhere else in your body and then detour the blocked artery so you can continue to have blood flow. Balloon Angioplasty Use a device like a balloon and insert it into the artery or vein that is blocked and inflate balloon in order to break up the plaque blocking the blood vessel.