More than half the deaths in the US are caused by heart disease. Some common causes of heart disease are: Age High blood pressure Family history Obesity Physical inactivity Smoking Drinking Alcohol
When blood vessels get narrowed due to the deposit of fatty substances it is called atherosclerosis. The fatty substance that lines blood vessels is known as Cholesterol
The atherosclerosis shown will cause high blood pressure in arteries and can also cause a heart attack if the clogged blood vessel leads to the heart.
New technology (ultrasound) helps doctors to detect many cardiovascular conditions: 1. High blood pressure: (Hypertension): can be treated by changes in lifestyle, diet and exercise. Also medication is sometimes prescribed. 2. Heart disease: Doctors can now use robotics to enter the heart and repair heart valves.
Defibrillator: A devise used to send and electrical shock to the heart and reset the hearts rhythm. Angioplasty: a technology used to open blocked arteries. A catheter with a balloon attached to it is inserted into a blocked artery. The balloon is inflated opening the blocked artery. Angioplasty Defibrillator