Essay Writing 101
What are you writing about? Specific Topic Comparison Pro vs. Con Narrative Argument Research Who was Michael Jackson and how did he influence music around the world? Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are both extremely popular music artists. Compare and contrast their biographies, musical styles, and effects on the music industry. Today a lot of popular music includes swear words and sexual images. At school dances, students request these songs to be played. Discuss some reasons for and against whether a DJ should be allowed to play these songs at a school event. Conclude with your opinion. When was the first time you heard Michael Jackson’s music or saw one of his music videos? Describe your first impression and your thoughts. Should music that contains swear words and calls for violence against another group be allowed on public radio? Take a side and argue your opinion. Do students in your class prefer the music of Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley? Conduct a survey and present your findings. Support your conclusions with outside research.
Parts of an Essay Title Introduction Thesis Body Paragraphs Conclusion Citations Topic Sentence 1 Topic Sentence 2 Topic Sentence 3 SupportSupport
Steps to Write an Essay: Brainstorm Think about essay question. Write down ideas. Draw connections. Make maps and diagrams. Example: Compare and contrast the lives and careers of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
Steps to Write an Essay: Research Browse class readings. Search online. Go to the library. Fill in more information into brainstorming.
Steps to Write an Essay: Outline Create essay skeleton. Organize ideas. Write thesis and topic sentences. Decide on a first title.
Steps to Write an Essay: First Draft First Draft: very basic with less worrying about grammar MAIN GOAL=put ideas on paper
Steps to Write an Essay: Editing Read aloud. Check transitions and connections. Spell and grammar check. Peer editing. Annotations.
Steps to Writing an Essay: Final Draft Make changes to draft(s). Triple check for mistakes. Format citations Give yourself TIME for whole process. Submit essay.