The Bern Convention and climate change Carolina Lasén Díaz Secretary of the Bern Convention Biological Diversity Unit Directorate of Culture DG IV.


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Presentation transcript:

The Bern Convention and climate change Carolina Lasén Díaz Secretary of the Bern Convention Biological Diversity Unit Directorate of Culture DG IV

Background:  Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern, 1979)  In force since 1982  48 Contracting Parties: From Iceland to Azerbaijan From Iceland to Azerbaijan EU-27 and EC EU-27 and EC 4 African countries 4 African countries

The Bern Convention  Aims at the conservation of wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats  It places a particular emphasis on endangered and vulnerable species  It recognises the need to co-ordinate measures for the protection of migratory species

Articles 3(2) and 4(2) 3(2): Parties undertake to have regard to the conservation of wild flora and fauna in their “planning and development policies” and in their “measures against pollution”. 4(2): Parties must have regard to the conservation requirements of protected areas in their planning and development policies “to avoid or minimise as far as possible any deterioration of such areas”.

Climate-related work (mitigation)  Recommendation No. 109 (2004) on minimising adverse effects of wind power generation on wildlife   Recommendation No. 117 (2005) and Recommendation No. 130 (2007) on the wind farms planned in Balchik and Kaliakra, and other wind farm developments on the Via Pontica route (Bulgaria)  Guidance on wind energy and nature conservation (to be finalised by EC)

Work on climate change  2005: Report “Conserving European Biodiversity in the Context of Climate Change” (M. Usher)  2006: Standing Committee set up a Group of Experts on Biodiversity and Climate Change, to provide Parties with: information and guidance on understanding climate change impacts and threats, and information and guidance on understanding climate change impacts and threats, and tools and support to develop adaptation measures at the national level regarding the species and habitats protected by the Bern Convention tools and support to develop adaptation measures at the national level regarding the species and habitats protected by the Bern Convention

Work on climate change (2)  2007: First meeting of the Group of Experts First meeting of the Group of Experts Discussion paper by Prof. B. Huntley Discussion paper by Prof. B. Huntley Identified priorities and key issues Identified priorities and key issues Agreed work plan for Agreed work plan for  2008: Two further meetings of the Group of Experts (Seville and Strasbourg) Two further meetings of the Group of Experts (Seville and Strasbourg) Adoption of Recommendation 135 (2008) with Guidance for Parties Adoption of Recommendation 135 (2008) with Guidance for Parties Mandate of the Group of Experts extended by the Standing Committee (indefinite) Mandate of the Group of Experts extended by the Standing Committee (indefinite)

Recommendation 135 (2008) Recommendation on “addressing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity” (adopted on 27/11/08). Parties are asked to: Address and communicate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and its conservation; Raise awareness of the link between biodiversity and climate and emphasise the large potential for synergies when addressing biodiversity loss and climate change in an integrated manner, including socio-economic effects; Encourage the elaboration of climate change adaptation activities for biodiversity, taking account of the measures listed in the guidance set out in the Appendix; Continue to engage in the development of further guidance to implement the Convention

2008 Guidance  The Recommendation provides “proposed actions” for governments on: Vulnerability to climate change: Vulnerability to climate change: Migratory birdsMigratory birds Amphibians and reptilesAmphibians and reptiles Adaptation strategies Adaptation strategies Cross-cutting issues (IAS, protected areas) Cross-cutting issues (IAS, protected areas)  Non-binding nature  Guidance to be completed in 2009.

Working in partnership  Interaction with other Groups of Experts IAS, invertebrates, protected areas amphibian/reptiles, islands IAS, invertebrates, protected areas amphibian/reptiles, islands  Co-operation with other conventions and organisations CBD: MoC, participation in their Expert Group CBD: MoC, participation in their Expert Group CMS, EC, Barcelona Convention, EEA, IUCN CMS, EC, Barcelona Convention, EEA, IUCN  Co-operation within the CoE: Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Plans for 2009  4 th meeting of the Group of Experts (Strasbourg, 2-3 July 2009)  Exchange of information among Parties and with other conventions and organisations  New reports to be discussed as a basis to complete the guidance for Parties  Issues to be covered: Protected areas and climate change Protected areas and climate change Plants and climate change Plants and climate change Invertebrates and climate change Invertebrates and climate change [Islands; Invasive species] [Islands; Invasive species]

Further information  All reports and meeting information are available on-line:  [They will be published this year]  Please contact us for any questions, on: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION