Oct. 16, 20081CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka FAIR project status Establishment of the FAIR GmbH Accelerator construction Civil construction Outline:
Oct. 16, 20082CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka 16 th FAIR ISC meeting on May 14 th The Convention with its five Annexes and the Final Act were prepared and until September very few amendments to these documents were made. 18 th FAIR ISC meeting on September 3 rd The FAIR ISC lernt that on September 8 was scheduled a meeting between combined delegation of XFEL ISC and BMBF with the representatives of several Russian ministries, led by Dr V. V. Nichkov, Director at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The objective of the meeting was to agree on the final versions the XFEL Convention and the Articles of Association. Russian Delegate informed FAIR ISC that the Russian Side would like to have the founding documents for both projects (the Convention, the Articles of Association) as close as reasonable.
Oct. 16, 20083CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka Letter to FAIR ISC from the Chairman Jacek Gierlinski, 11 th Sept ”......Simultaneously I have asked Prof. Ö. Skeppstedt, AFI Chairman to undertake the review of these documents at the AFI meeting on 22 nd September and prepare their final versions for approval by this Committee....” The FAIR JCT, with active involvement of the officials from BMBF, has come up with the modified versions of the FAIR Convention and the Articles of Association. The FAIR AFI delegates, at the meeting on 22 nd September agreed on these final legal documents and recommend them to FAIR ISC.for approval at the meeting on October 1 st 2008.
Oct. 16, 20084CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka Resolutions from 19 th FAIR ISC Meeting on Oct. 1 st, 2008: 7. Resolution concerning legal documents: The ISC approves the version of October 1 st, 2008 of the FAIR Convention, Articles of Association and the Final Act. The ISC urges all parties involved to initiate the necessary actions (translations (due by October 13, 2008) and formal checking of the founding documents) for the intended signing of the FAIR Convention and the Final Act in February 2009.
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka5 Follow-up of the 19 th FAIR ICS Meeting Time table for the translation procedure 1October th meeting of FAIR-ISC: Adopted of founding texts (Convention, Articles of Association, Final Act), finalized at the level of the Steering Committee in the English language 13 October 2008 Absolute deadline for the submission to the BMBF of non-English versions of the founding texts (i.e. in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish); an earlier submission would be preferred 17 November 2008 Termination of the refinement and cross-checking of the various language versions by the Language Services Division of German Federal Foreign Office and dispatch to the Parties concerned 01 December 2008 Return of the various language versions counter-checked by the Foreign Offices of the Parties concerned
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka6 15 December 2008 Dispatch of all language versions, now edited by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Foreign Offices of the Parties concerned, to all Parties January 2009 Cross-checking conference in the German Federal Foreign Office (Berlin) with the aim of producing the final and binding versions of the founding documents (to be initialled at the end of the conference) February 2009 Signing of the FAIR Convention and the Final Act in Berlin If any of the above translations shall not reach the German BMBF in time, it will be impossible to include the corresponding state in the first batch of signatories.
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka7 Next FAIR ISC meetings: 11 November 2008 at GSI. 12 December 2008 in Paris. Next FAIR-AFI meeting: 21 November 2008 at GSI
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka8 Mandate of FAIR ISC for accelerator construction: “Start pre-collaboration on dedicated FAIR accelerators” Kick Off Meetings on: SIS100, September 15, 2008 Super-FRS & CR, October 8 and 9, Conclusions from the meetings: The participating partners are able, willing and prepare to realize their EoIs The present Master Schedule (e.g. first experiments at Super-FRS in 2013/2014) is realistic if work starts in Jan Taking up the work requires funds to the participating labs. As any in-kind contributor is funded by his agency directly: no cross financing for in-kind contributions some labs expect start of work in 2010 earliest due to information by their funding agencies.
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka9 GSI Director & FCC Head signing the Contract with Architects “Ion42 GBR” Architect Contract Awarded Also contracts with 14 engineering Companies („planners“) signed on July 22, 2008
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka10 Achieved: Application to start ZBau procedure July 2007 ISC mandate for GSI to take measures on CC (Sept. 2007) EU-wide call for Steering company Contract award to Drees&Sommer (July 2007) EU-wide call for construction planning (Sept. 2007) Contract award to engineering companies (July 2008) Start planning phase (July 2008) Next Steps Approval documents incl. Drawings for review (Dec. 2008/Jan. 2009) Technical report by hbm (baufachliche Prüfung) (Feb. 2009) Application for building permit (March 2009) Actual cost estimate as part of approval documents Decision (#10 ZBau): Commitment on cost coverage Building permit (Sept. 2009) Call for tender site preparation (2009) Begin site preparation (autumn 2009) Prepare execution documents (March – Dec. 2009) Call for tender construction work (late autumn 2009) Award construction contracts (earliest: end 2009 – beginning 2010…) Begin executive work (early 2010). Detailed cost estimate Feb Expect 1. building permit: Sept Start site preparation: end 2009 Start “digging / pouring concrete” starts: in 2010 Availability of buildings for start with S-FRS: end of 2012 Installation and commissioning of SFRS: up to end 2013 Start first experiments: End 2013/early 2014
Oct. 16, CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka Thank you!
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka12
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka13
Oct. 16, 2008CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Zbigniew Majka14