ECO-IMAGINE European COnferences and forum for Integrated coastal MAnagement and Geo- INformation rEsearch Introduction to the project ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy MARIE CURIE ACTIONS - Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses (MSCF-CT )
The background ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Objective To put in touch state-of-the-art GI Technology with Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Landscape study To address this objective through main streams of coastal disciplines implemented by working groups and run in a series of chained events ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Some external references Communication (2000/547) Integrated Coastal Area Zone management: a strategy for Europe 00.htm INSPIRE (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) Integrated River Basin Management for Europe framework/index_en.html ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
ICAM-GI network Vital role of coastal areas (ecological, economical social and cultural) Sensitivity either for environmental or for social issues. Some problems: –for the natural features: coastal erosion, loss of biodiversity, declining of resource, pollution/degradation of water quality –for the human sphere: conflicts for the use of coastal resources, disregarding of material and non-material cultural heritage, deep changes in lifestyle (e.g. due to tourism) The after-COASTGIS03 and now also Oceans 21 Our addressing reference ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Partners and friends of ECO-IMAGINE
Some more words about the partners ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
GISIG Geographical Information Systens International Group founded in 1992 promotion of GIS technology & application European co- operation thematic networks ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Association founded in 1992 to promote the protection and improvement of the environment, in particular sustainable development of ocean and coastal areas in conformity with the UNCED Agenda 21, Chapter 17 Main objectives are; to discuss the issues of Integrated Coastal Management (methodology, usage) and of landscape under the reference of the EU and UNEP policy, especially MAP to contribute to experiences of coastal and landscape planning and management under the paradigm of sustainability to characterise new ways for re-qualification practices of decayed coastal areas to inventor/monitor initiatives for the active safeguard of landscape and for the improvement of daily-life landscape quality This is done with: scientific studies and advice on all the different aspects of coastal systems landscape planning and evaluation initiatives for training and education, also to improve sharing of knowledge and skills and transfer of guidelines and directives in the field of ICAM organisation of scientific events and international networking ICCOPS Landscape, Natural and Cultural Heritage Observatory (International Centre for Coastal and Ocean Policy Studies) ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Introduction to the project ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
About the approach Europe-wide approach to research multilevel approach to investigation training of cross-cutting operational experts, for an interdisciplinary, science based local management integration of thematic research under the paradigm of GeoInformation and Coastal Landscape creation of a comprehensive training environment ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
About the content theoretical training by means of lectures on the rationale, the principles, the actual needs, the mutual relationships and the international state- of-art of ICM, landscape management and GI practical application of concepts and statements through case studies field trips simulation exercises ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
About distinguishing addresses relevance of coastal landscape, unifying element and resource interdisciplinary approach through the integration of sectoral achievements high scientific level transfer of knowledge and principles from intergovernmental organisations and scientific environments to national local realities transfer of knowledge and experience from expert scientists to early stage researchers supply local operators or administrators with an opportunity of education ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
About some characters collecting at international level the expertise of scientists and addressing it towards users supporting decision making by the authorities in charge for planning and control increasing effective impact of sectorial projects putting together a sound mix of academics, decision makers and IT experts. disseminating the work dealing with trans-boundary issues, for which a specific community policy is not defined yet ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Working Groups WG1: Building Coastal Knowledge and GI A key issue to get ICM objectives is availability and easy accessibility of appropriate data and information. Main points are: collection of data on a scientific base quick elaboration of raw data possibility of continuous update sharing information and making it suitable for final user GI comprehensive tools are essentials: new ways for data collection and sharing, Internet access... Important: an integrated approach cannot leave the stakeholders needs out of consideration information related with natural disciplines have to be integrated with data deriving from human sciences ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Working Groups WG2: Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI It deals about sustainable management of coastal resources, through ICM programmes that pass through the steps: governance: definition of the policies for the coastal area, choices/needs for ICM its general objectives. planning: strategies, specific objectives, extension of the intervention in an operational perspective (integration among scientists, actors, planners and decision makers is essential) design: specific actions. The scale is often local and integration is required especially towards local communities. A comprehensive view is ensured by GIS technique and GIS are a dynamic tool to face evolving situations. GIS are also a useful way to keep them in touch with operators and planners at local level ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Working Groups WG3: The Waterfront Management and GI Waterfronts are subject to high human pressure and to a multitude of uses: a lot of coastal towns developed in interdependence with the sea and their waterfronts are evidence of their evolution; other coastal areas try to ensure a harmonic development of their waterfronts GIS are particularly suited, e.g. to manage inputs by actors, for tuning the programme and creation of scenarios To be pointed out: waterfronts are object of ICM programmes at different scales, from architectonic projects to comprehensive planning interventions waterfronts are dynamic areas, subject to continue changes by either local or global causes: their management needs to be adapted to their development ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Working Groups Working Group on GI technology A cross-cutting Working Group deals with the technological features of GI ECO-IMAGINE initiative is an opportunity for tuning up GI technologies and research on the actual needs of coastal management and to set up the bases for transferable models of shared information and data sets For ICM experts it is a chance for a general view of the opportunities supplied by GIS technology ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Scientific Committee A. Vallega, University of Genova (I) Chairman of the Scientific Committee and of the Working Group The Waterfront management and GI D. J. Bartlett, University College of Cork D. R. Green, University of Aberdeen (UK) Chairman for the technological aspect of GI P. Gourbesville, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis (FR) E. Roccatagliata, GISIG (I) Co-ordinator of the Project and of the Technical Secretariat J. L. Suarez de Vivero, University of Seville (E) Chairman of the Working Group Building Coastal Knowledge and GI I. Trumbic, PAP/RAC Split (HR) Chairman for the Working Group Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI (the people in red are present at this Conference) ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
The ECO-IMAGINE project development ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
The project events Along 4 years the project is structured in: SEVILLE: initial Conference, to introduce the general themes, the main questions and the Working Groups three thematic Conferences of the Working Groups, one of them is here now three training courses (tutorials, case studies, simulation exercises, field trips) to introduce to the use of GIS for ICM the final conference that sums up the working groups making a balance of the initiative A non-temporal event: the Virtual Permanent Conference on the Web as tool for network building and better integration among the research groups ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
Event timetable ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy Date (Event)Title Convenor&Location May 04 (Conference) GI and GIS for ICM University of Sevilla, (ES) Autumn 04 (Conference)Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI GISIG/ICCOPS, Genova (IT) Spring 05 (Conference)Building Coastal Knowledge and GI University College of Cork, (IRL) Summer 05 (Training Course)Geo-spatial Technologies University of Aberdeen, (UK) Spring 06 (Conference)The Waterfront Management and GI ANDIP sa, Piraeus (GR) Autumn 06 (Training Course)The Waterfront Management and GI GISIG/ICCOPS, Genova (IT) Spring 07 (Training Course)Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, (F) Autumn 07 (Conference)Future Perspectives of GI for ICM GISIG/ICCOPS, Genova (IT)
Working Group Conference Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI 16th - 20th November 2004, Genova, Italy ECO-IMAGINE European Conferences and Forum for Integrated Coastal Management and Geo-information Research ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
In this Conference we assign a great importance to the workshops organised in collaboration with the Genova Municipality and with the Regione Liguria for two reasons: they allow an introductory but rather organic sketch of our local situation, matching observation of its reality with the presentation of plans and project to show the real work of the Authorities in charge can be highly profitable for researchers ECO-IMAGINE - European Conferences and Forum for Integrated Coastal Management and Geo-information Research Working Group Conference Coastal Governance, Planning and Design and GI ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Tuesday, 16th Welcome session Presentation of the ECO-IMAGINE project, Emanuele Roccatagliata Opening seminar The need for integrated coastal management and the benefits of its implementation, Ivica Trumbic, Marina Radic, UNEP/MAP PAP/RAC Poster session opening Wednesday, 17th Workshop: The urban and metropolitan example of Genova Welcome address, Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio, President of ICCOPS The physical aspects of the Genoese coast, Giuliano Fierro, University of Genova-DIPTERIS Waterfront re-qualification from town planning to management of the interventions, Bruno Gabrielli, Councillor of the Genova City Council The metropolitan master plan, Genova Municipality The master plan of the harbour, Genova Port Authority The requalification plan of the urban beaches, Marina Caviglione, Genova Municipality The Municipal Geo-Portal for Coastal Planning, Sergio Farruggia, Genova Municipality The Maritime Public Domain Use Plan of the City of Genoa, Rosanna E. Russo, Genova Municipality FIELD TRIP TO THE HARBOUR AND TO THE WATERFRONT ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy
ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy Thursday, 18th Building Coastal Knowledge and GI session Integrated display and communication of information towards stakeholders. An application for the integrated management of the Thau lagoon and its watershed, Lionel Loubersac, Jacques Denis, Ifremer GIS and Viewshed Analysis to Determine Sensitive Coastal Areas. Case study from the French Riviera, Samuel Robert, CNRS Coastal crisis. The failure of coastal management in the Spanish Mediterranean region, Juan Luis Suarez De Vivero, University of Seville Landscape analysis session Against Globalscape: landscape architecture to defend and promote local or regional identities The exploitation of local landscape: from knowledge to design action, Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio, ICCOPS; Adriana Ghersi, University of Genova Environmental monitoring session GIS to monitor seawater quality and the influence of WWTPs, Claudia Lasagna, Franca Palumbo, Patrizia Rosi, Gianluigi Mirandi, AMGA The "Sabbia" project for shore requalification, M. Fabiano, University of Genova, D. Minetti, Regione Liguria, R. Dursi, F. Palmisani (FEEM) Bathing water quality: use of GIS to determine exact positions of sampling stations in Liguria, R.M. Bertolotto, C. Cuneo, M. Puppo, ARPAL Liguria Use of GIS in the preparation of the Regional Water Management Plan of Liguria, T. Pollero, B. Moncalvo, ARPAL Liguria
ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy Friday, 19 th Workshop: Coastal governance, the regional activity in Liguria CELLE LIGURE (Savona) Welcome session Welcome by the Regione Liguria, Alderman for Territory and Environment Franco Orsi Welcome by the Commune of Celle Ligure, Mayor Remo Zunino Celle and the Ligurian Riviera between the modern and the contemporary age, Massimo Quaini, University of Genova, DISMEC Introduction to the ECO-IMAGINE Project, Giorgio Saio, GISIG A monitoring study for the Celle Ligure case: shore protection works and beach feeding, Marco Firpo, University of Genova-DIPTERIS; Paolo Noce, Studio di Ingegneria Idraulica GIS databases to support environmental monitoring and the planning of maritime coastal works (Stefano Coppo, Andrea Picollo, Regione Liguria) Introduction: Definition of homogenous coastal areas in the framework of the classification of the Ligurian coastal waters The monitoring of the marine and coastal environment by the Regione Liguria (EU 60/2000 Directive) Beach feeding in Liguria Sea-bed biological mapping in Liguria Coastal planning in Liguria Re-use of the old railway in the Western Liguria and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Gianni Gaggero, Laura Levi; Regione Liguria The BEACH-MED project, Corinna Artom, Regione Liguria Evaluation of the coastal erosion of the Ligurian beach, Marco Ferrari, Silvia Bolens, Alessandra Bozzano, University of Genoa - DIPTERIS A multi-temporal webGIS for the Regional Park of Portofino, Anna Cerrato, Regione Liguria; Alberto Aloisio, Datasiel The Urban Italia programme: GIS to support urban requalification in the harbour area, Valerio Zunino, Savona City Council Monitoring networks and meteo-marine forecast, Lorenzo Papa, Hydrographic Institute of the Italian Navy and University of Genova-DIFI
ECO-IMAGINE Conference "COASTAL GOVERNANCE, PLANNING AND DESIGN AND GI" 16 th -20 th November, 2004 AMGA Congress Centre, Genova - Italy Saturday, 20th Geo-spatial Technologies session Applications of Web-based GIS to Coastal Zone Management, David R. Green, University of Aberdeen The GI layers on the website of the Liguria Region, Marino Fiorito, Regione Liguria/ Datasiel gvSIG, the free GIS of the Generalitat Valenciana, and its applications to coastal management, Luis W. Sevilla Muelas, Gabriel Carrión, Francisco José Peñarrubia, Marcello Sanò, Fernado Sanchez, Generalitat Valenciana The Invisip project, Alessio Bertone, IMATI/CNR Sea monitoring applications with high definition satellite imagery, Livio Rossi, Eurimage Title to be communicated, Jean Marie Jouniaux, University of Liege Evaluation and impact of harbour infrastructure Philippe Gourbesville, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis Closing session Networking perspective and forthcoming activity, Giorgio Saio, GISIG
Have a good conference and thank you very much for your kind attention! btw, see you in Cork? Emanuele Roccatagliata (but as well