1 Olof Tengblad Instituto de Estructura de la Materia FP7 - JRA & Networking EXL/R3B calorimeters & Multiplexed Electronics Mesytec solutions MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Y CIENCIA CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july NUSTAR – a facility for NUclear STructure & Astrophysis Research Low energy and stopped beams Super-FRS Secondary beams produce by fragmentation and fission Cooled and stored beams Superconducting Fragment Separator High Energy Reaction Set-up Multi-Storage Rings Energy bunched and stopped beams R 3 B Research with Relativistic Radioactive Beams R 3 B collaboration: 50 institutes 180 scientists
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july R 3 B: Research with Relativistic Radioactive Beams The Physics: Nuclear structure far off stability The Method: Scattering experiments with radioactive nuclei at high energy Requirements: High efficiency for high-energy (~10MeV) High sum-energy efficiency Good resolution in energy (~2-3% including Doppler broadening) Stop protons <300 MeV With good energy and angular resolution R 3 B set up in the NUSTAR FAIR Technical development: Total-absorption gamma spectrometer Tracking of protons & gammas
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july R3B calorimeter Detection of <30 MeV and protons <300 MeV Three angular sections with different demands Barrel degrees. The Barrel inner radius is 30 cm, contains CsI crystals Read-out:Hamamatsu S LAAPD (20x10 mm 2 ) Si like readout Front divided in forward 8-15 degrees Middle degrees 500 crystals LAPD PID readout 16ns / 28 ns or Double readout
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july EXL - calorimeter
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july EXL - calorimeter Complication: Detectors and electronics in Vacuum Special material for electronic boards, bakeable to 150 o C Low energy consumption High multiplexing to reduce the amount of feed through
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july Multiplexed Electronics Mesytec solutions
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july E stage 1 µm E stage 400 ± 15 µm EURONS-DLEP: developments of detectors & readout electronics 64 detector elements á 7 mm readout channels The Solid Angle is 20% of the DSSSD but needs 4 times more electronic-channels! 256 detector elements á 9 mm 2 32 readout channels Novel thin window design for large-area Si strip detector Tengblad et.al. Nucl. Instr. Meth A525 (2004) 458
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july ) MUX-16 with driver Low multiplicity events! MUX-16 is a very fast 16 channel multiplexed preamplifier shaper and discriminator combination with very good energy and timing resolution. Up to 2 simultaneously responding channels are identified and 2 amplitudes plus the 2 corresponding amplitude coded addresses are switched to a bus. 8 modules = 128 channels can be connected to one bus, so only 4 channels of peak sensing ADCs are needed to digitize energy and position signals. The modules are especially well suited for single hit applications (maximum two hits on one module) with single or double sided multistrip silicon detectors or multiwire proportional chambers. Due to low power consumption (1.45W for 16 ch) the MUX-16 PCB can be used in vacuum without cooling. 185 x 100 x 16 mm 3 7 feed throughs/ 128 channels 7 Lemo feedthroughs: from driver PCB 1. Energy 1 2. Energy 2 3. Position 1 4. Position 2 from MUX-16 stack: 1. Pulser 2. Bias 3. Trigger / RC 3 Power feedthroughs Power consumption: +6V, 610 mA -6V, 120 mA +12V, 25 mA
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july ) MTM16 - MDI2 chained multiplexing, spectroscopy quality MTM16: 16ch PreAmp, Shaper, Discriminator Charge sensitive PA, variable gain and polarity Timing filter & discriminator Spectroscopy amplifier Readout sequential or Zero suppressed 16 boards = 256 channels to one readout bus All setting individual and Remote Controlled Low power consumption can be operated in vacuum The trigger signal from MTM16 is well suited as a high resolution timing signal. The MDI2 provides two TDC channels About 500 ns after the "gate" signal, the MDI2-sequencer is started and produces the clock sequence for reading out the MTM16. The incoming analog amplitude data are digitized by a 12 bit sliding scale ADC If above threshold, stored together with the ch address in a memory (fifo). After conversion ready the data can be accessed via VME bus.
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july MDI-2 VME sequencer and ADC High quality 12 bit (4k) conversion with sliding scale ADC (DNL < 1%). 10 M samples / s per bus. Up to 512 channels can be converted Multi event buffer Zero supression with individual thresholds Supports different types of time stamping Connected frontend modules can be remote controled (gain, threshold, polarity). Address modes: A24 / A32 Data transfer modes: D16,32,64, BLT32, MBLT64, CBLT Multicast for event reset and timestamping start.
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july LoI for Trans-national Access facilities 38 LoI for Joint Research Activities 23 LoI for Network Activities EURONS-FP7Letters of Intent - Overview
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july Activity IDFacility NameLocationResponsible Person TNA1GSIDarmstadt/GermanyKlaus-Dieter Gross TNA2UCL-CRCLouvain-la-Neuve/BelgiumGuido Ryckewaert TNA3GANILCaen/FrancePatricia Roussel-Chomaz TNA4JYU-JYFLJyväskylä/FinlandRauno Julin TNA5INFN-LNL-LNSLegnaro + Catania/ItalyGabriele Puglierin TNA6ECT*Trento/ItalyJean-Paul Blaizot TNA7KVIGroningen/The NetherlandsMuhsin M. Harakeh TNA8CERN-ISOLDEGeneva/SwitzerlandKarsten Riisager TNA9DAFdistributed accelerator facility: Rez-Prague, RBI-Zagreb, NCSR- Athens, Atomki, U-Warsaw, NIPNE Dimiter Balabanski TNA10AGATAmobile facilityWolfram Korten TNA11TSLUppsala/SwedenCurt Ekström TNA12ALTOIPN Orsay/FranceFadi Ibrahim TNA13BCPLBergen/NorwayJan S. Vaagen EURONS-FP7Letters of Intent - TNA
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july EURONS-FP7 electronic related activities Activi-ty IDAcronymWorking title / short descriptionField/ TypeResponsi-ble PersonParticipants (responsible person) JRA30SPFDC Synergy Program for Front-end electronics Data acquisition and Control (SPFDC) for Nuclear Physics Experiments Emanuel Pollacco (CEA) CEA Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, GANIL FRANCE, STFC Daresbury and Rutherford Labs, England, GSI, Germany, INFN, Italy, KVI, The Netherlands, U-Huelva, Spain (Industrial partners will be called to collaborate in the project) NA8SPFDC Synergy Program for Front-End Electronics, Data Acquisition and Controls (SPFDC) for Nuclear Physics Experiments Heinrich J. Wörtche (KVI) CEA Saclay, France, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, CNRS/IN2P3 France, GANIL, France, GSI, Germany, INFN Florence, Italy, INFN Padua, Italy, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, STFC Daresbury & Rutherford Appl. Labs., Unit. Kingdom, University of Groningen, KVI, The Netherlands, University of Huelva, Spain
Tengblad FP7 - JRA & Networking preparation meeting HUELVA july