1 The extended spectroscopic database on formamide: parent, 13 C and deuterated species up to 1 THz A.S. Kutsenko Institute of radio astronomy of NASU, Kharkov, Ukraine R.A. Motiyenko, L. Margulès PhLAM, Université Lille 1, France J.-C. Guillemin ENS de Chimie, Rennes, France
Formamide The simplest interstellar molecule containing a peptide bond: –C(=O)NH– Detected in Sgr B2 and Orion KL: Rubin et al ApJ, 169 (1971) L39 Spectroscopy (more than 10 publications): Kryvda et al. J. Mol. Spec. 254 (2009) 28 Normal species studied up to 490 GHz 13 C, 15 N and 18 O species studied up to 250 GHz
Deuterated species Interest: H/D exchanges on grain surface A. Ratajczak et al A&A 496 (2009), L21, A. Ratajczak et al A&A 528 (2011), L13: In case of solid H/D exchanges DCONH 2 should be significantly more abundant than HCONHD and HCONDH If alternative and/or additional processes play a role in the post- evaporative gas-phase then the three deuterated isotopologues of formamide could have a similar abundance Spectroscopy Kurland&Wilson J.Chem.Phys. 27(1957); Costain&Dowling J.Chem.Phys. 32(1960) Measurements up to 43 GHz A,B,C rotational constants + hyperfine structure
New measurements in Lille 1.HCONH 2 sample (solid state sources: 400 – 465 GHz and 800 – 935 GHz, BWO: 580 – 660 GHz) parent species v=0 and v 12 =1 13 C species in natural abundance 2.Deuterated samples (solid states sources 150 – 950 GHz) DCOHN 2 a « soup » of HCONHD, HCONDH and HCOND 2
Lille BWO-based spectrometer BWO 580 – 660 GHz HV Power Supply F/32 + IF Amplifier Absorbing cell DDS 8.7 – 11.8 MHz SR7270 DSP Lock-in amplifier Bolometer RS-232 Synthesizer Agilent E8257D 12.5 – 16.5 GHz PLL, IF=8.7 – 11.8 MHz Amplifier RS-232 Internal bus
Normal species spectra 580 – 660 GHz 800 – 935 GHz 42 1,42 – 41 1, ,42 – 41 0,41 NH 2 13 CHO
Deuterated species spectra Denser spectrum due to « soup » mixture parent/cis/trans/D 2 44 : 22 : 22 : 12
Results: spectroscopy N data Our contribution J max, K a/max rms (MHz)wrms HCONH , HCONH 2, v , H 13 CONH , DCONH , c-HCONHD , t-HCONHD , HCOND , frequency range of measurements is extended up to 945 GHz accurate prediction of transition frequencies up to 1.5 THz
Results: detection of v 12 state (289 cm -1 ) in Orion KL in collaboration with B. Tercero and J. Cernicharo
10 Acknowledgements French embassy in Ukraine Programme National de Physico-Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire - CNRS ANR-08-BLAN-0054