Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business Samantha Granger Corporate Social Responsibility Manager x
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business
Social Value Journey to date: Group formed in April 2014 –merger of two groups (Vela & Fabrick) 33,000 across the North East CSR Team introduced as part of the merger No agreed measure for Social Value Incomplete record of all activity Varying understanding of what Social Value is First priority Commitment from Leadership team Gain a understanding of all Social Value activity across the group Resources committed to delivering this activity Impacts being delivered as a result 1:1 engagement with Managers and Team Leaders
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business
Initial Finding: Variety of activities being delivered Difficult to separate resources Little measurement of outcomes No impact measurements Varying levels of commitment across the group First Steps: Defined ‘What Social Value’ means for Thirteen Measurement of activity using HACT Wellbeing Valuation Agreement from Leadership Team and Senior Managers Communicate to Manager and Team Leaders Consultation with customers Targeted approach to ‘Pure Social Value’ activities Pilot using HACT Wellbeing Valuation
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business HACT Wellbeing Pilots: Inclusion Team : Employability and Money Advice Services Team consulted with to re-design the pre and post intervention process Financial and Health questions Six month period Results:
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business
HACT Wellbeing Pilots: Inclusion Team : Employability and Money Advice Services Team consulted with to re-design the pre and post intervention process Financial and Health questions Six month period Results: (four month period) Employability: 21 Job outcomes and 8 training HACT value of £86,082 Cost £115,686 Financial Inclusion: 939 Appointments delivered, £1,147,166 financial outcomes for customers HACT value of £244,212 Cost £213,279
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business
Challenges from Summer 2015 Budget: Reduction in income forecast = re think 2016/17 Budgets and beyond Thirteen’s formation created efficiencies Board and Leadership Team driving the business inline with changes in Government policy What does this mean for Thirteens commitment to Social Value? Work to date has helped our position Understanding across the group of what Social Value is Demonstrating impact of Social Value activity key (Wellbeing Valuation) Need to understand impact on Core Business: Rents (Income) Re-lets (Turn over) Repairs (Investment) Development (Homeownership) Stop, redesign or attract alternative funding
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business Next Steps: Developing a in-house sustainability modelling program Complement HACT Wellbeing Valuation Tool Use business intelligence to focus future investment in Social Value To include: Partnership activities Maximise Social Value return from procurement Re design our services Develop process for tracking our delivery year on year
Successfully Communicating Social Value Within Your Business Questions – End of the session Introduce - Elanor Warwick, Head of Research, Affinity Sutton