With Host... Your
Eco- Friendly Johnny Appleseed Let’s go ‘Cycling’ Hall ‘Monitor’ Einstein would know Misc. JEOPARDY 100
the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment. A 100
What is Ecology? A 100
non-living parts of the ecosystem VS. living parts of the ecosystem A 200
What is different between biotic and abiotic an Ecosystem? A 200
A 300 These ‘friends’ are not helping each other. What relationship is this?
What is parisitism? A 300
a term describing a system in which the resources of nature are being renewed at least as quickly as they are used, and that all wastes are able to be completely absorbed.. A 400
What is Sustainable/Sustainability? A 400
is a calculation of the total area of land and water needed to supply all of the materials and energy that you use as well as absorb all of the waste you produce. A 500
What are Ecological Footprints? A 500
This occurs across when water moves across a differentially permeable membrane. B 100
What is osmosis? B 100
These are the three functions of stems B 200
What is transportation of nutrients, support of leaves towards the sun, and food storage? B 200
This is the formula for photosynthesis in the leaves of the plant. B 300
H20 + CO2+energy (sun)=O2 and sugar B 300
B 400 What are the two structures in this picture
Guard cells and Stomata B 400
The total mass of all the organisms in an ecosystem B 500
What are Biomass? B 500
is water in the soil C 100
What is ground water? C 100
This element is inside of living things and cycles in and out of the environment. C 200
What is Carbon? C 200
This picture represents this term. C 300
What is Transpiration? C 300
Name the 5 factors that influence soil development C 400
Parent material Climate Vegetation Water Time C 400
1. What are the layers called in the picture? 2. What is the top layer? C 500
What are 1. horizons 2. Humus C 500
This type of reproduction occurs when the parent plant is exactly The same as the offspring (little plant). D 100
What is Asexual (vegetative) reproduction? D 100
D 200 This whale shark has been tagged to track its breeding patterns. What type of monitoring?
What is Biological Monitoring? D 200
D 300 At Year 0, the information collected is known as this
What is baseline data? D 300
These pictures are both known in monitoring as these. D 400
What are indicator species? D 400
These are the 3 key ideas for pollination to occur D 500
What are 1)Pollen grain lands on the stigma 2)Pollen tube grows down the style 3)A sperm travels down the tube to fertilize the egg D 500
These are exotic species (occur naturally in a different part of the world) are introduced to an environment. E 100
What are Introduced Species? E 100
controlling pests using their natural enemies. E 200
What is a Biological control? E 200
A tiny plant inside the seed is called this E 300
What is an embryo? E 300
E 400 This picture best represents this term in Unit 1
What is Bioaccumulation? E 400
Seeds are dispersed in these ways E 500
What are wind, water, and animals E 500
Things that make our lives more enjoyable F 100
What are wants? F 100
All living things need these: F 200
What are food, water, gas exchange and habitat? F 200
… F 300 What is this picture demonstrating
What is germination? F 300
What are the 7 steps for Harvesting Trees. F 400
What are: -Planning the cut -Building a road into the site -Felling and delimbing -Dragging the logs to a central site -Hauling logs to the saw mill -Prepping the site for reforestation -replanting F 400
Name the 4 contributors decomposing matter into soil F 500
What are Bacteria Fungi Microscopic Actinomycetes Earthworms F 500
Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Template By: C. Harr-MAI Credits