Sit-In Lab 2 - OOP Restaurant
Manage a restaurant and perform these types of queries: Assign a favorite table to a specific group Assign the lexicographically-smallest available table to a specific group A specific group leaves the restaurant Prints the name of the table that a specific group is currently in Prints the name of the group of a specific table Problem Description
Restaurant Group Table Group Problem Illustration
Restaurant GroupTable Contains Has Uses Relationship Between Entities
Class Overview Restaurant Keeps a list of all tables and groups currently in the restaurant Reads and executes the queries Table Contains information about: Capacity of the table The group that is assigned to it The status of the table Its name Group Contains information about: The number of people The assigned table The group’s name
Class Restaurant Class Overview Restaurant -tables : ArrayList -groups : ArrayList +//methods Class Table Table -name : String -capacity : int -isOccupied : Boolean -currentGroup : Group +getName() : String +reset() : void -toggle() : void … Class Group Group -name : String -capacity : int -currentTable : Table +getName() : String +getCapacity() : int +getTable() : Table … No need getter-setter for Restaurant; Restaurant acts as a “Controller”
public void setGroup(Group g) { this.currentGroup = g; this.toggle(); } public void reset() { this.currentGroup = null; this.toggle(); } private void toggle() { this.isOccupied = !this.isOccupied; } Private Helper in Table
Constructors Restaurant: public class Restaurant() Group: class Group(String name, int numOfPeople, Table assignedTable) Table: class Table(String name, int capacity) Some questions to ponder: When do we create a new group? When we can assign it a table. A group cannot “queue”, i.e. if it could not be assigned a table, it leaves the restaurant. When do we add tables (or groups) to the list in Restaurant? After the creation of each object. When do we remove tables (or groups) from the list in Restaurant? You remove a group from the list when it leaves the restaurant. You do not remove tables from the list.
Some tips for processing the queries: Performs all logical operations in the Restaurant class Avoid the use of static variables and methods The methods in the table and group class are only for operations that modifies or returns their own attributes. These operations are called by the Restaurant class. E.g: getName(): returns the name of the table (or group) reset(): resets a table back to vacant (and toggle the status of the table) We define helper methods in Restaurant as we go along, e.g: getTableBasedOnName(String tableName): returns the Table with the name tableName, returns null if not found getValidLexiSmallestTable(int numOfPeople): returns the lexicographically smallest Table that fits the group with numOfPeople. Useful Tips
How to avoid static In the Restaurant Class What most of you did: public static void main(String[] args) { //your code } public static Table getTableBasedOnName(String name) { //implementation } How to avoid static: public static void main(String[] args) { Restaurant myRestaurant = new Restaurant();; } public void run() { //your code (treat this as “main”) } public Table getTableBasedOnName(String name) { //implementation }
The Run Method (in Restaurant) public void run() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int N = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); readAndStoreTables(sc, N); int Q = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); executeQueries(sc, Q); }
The Run Method (in Restaurant) public void run() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int N = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); readAndStoreTables(sc, N); int Q = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); executeQueries(sc, Q); }
Read and Store Tables private void readAndStoreTables(Scanner sc, int N) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { //reads the input and split it if //a blank space (" ") is found String[] split = sc.nextLine().split(" "); //store table information into local variables String tableName = split[0]; int capacity = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); //create new table object and store it into //the list of tables Table newTable = new Table(tableName, capacity); tables.add(newTable);} }
Execute Queries private void executeQueries(Scanner sc, int Q) { for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { String[] splittedInput = sc.nextLine().split(" "); int input = Integer.parseInt(splittedInput[0]); //execute queries based on type if (input == 1) { assignFavoriteTable(splittedInput); } else if (input == 2) { assignLexiSmallestTable(splittedInput); } else if (input == 3) { leaveRestaurant(splittedInput); } else if (input == 4) { printOccupiedTable(splittedInput); } else { printCurrentGroupName(splittedInput); }
Query 1 Query 1: Assign group to favorite table private void assignFavoriteTable(String[] splittedInput) { String groupName = splittedInput[1]; int numOfPeople = Integer.parseInt(splittedInput[2]); String tableName = splittedInput[3]; Table favTable = getTableBasedOnName(tableName); } If table is not null and can assign* create group and assign table If not print “not possible” *Can assign if: 1. The capacity of favTable is at least numOfPeople 2. favTable is currently vacant
Helper Method (Reusable for query 1 and 5) /* * pre-condition: The arraylist of tables has been initialized and tables * have been stored properly * * post-condition: Returns the table with name tableName and null if there * is no such table * * description: iterates through the list of tables and return the most * appropriate table based on tableName. Returns null if no such table is * found */ private Table getTableBasedOnName(String tableName) { } Helper Method: getTableBasedOnName -Loop through the list of tables -If the current table’s name matches tableName, return that Table and stop the loop. Why can we stop? -After finish iterating and no table is found: return null
private void assignLexiSmallestTable(String[] splittedInput) { String groupName = splittedInput[1]; int numOfPeople = Integer.parseInt(splittedInput[2]); Table assigned = getValidTable(numOfPeople); } Query 2 Query 2: Assign group to a table If table is not null* create group and assign table If null (we don’t find a table that fits) print “not possible” *We don’t need to check if it is assignable as in query 1 since we do the checking inside getValidTable(). Why? we will iterate through all tables and find the lexicographically smallest valid table. Hence, as we iterate, we also check its validity. Why do we need to iterate through all tables? Think!
/* * pre-condition: ??? * post-condition: ??? * description: ??? */ private Table getValidTable(int numOfPeople) { } Helper Method Helper Method: getValidTable -Loop through the list of tables while keeping the current lexi- smallest and valid table in a local variable -For each table: check its validity. If it’s invalid, skip. If it’s valid, compare with the current lexi-smallest table. If this new table is lexicographically smaller, update the local variable that keeps the table. -Return the lexi-smallest available table (if it exists) or null otherwise
Query 3 Query 3: A group leaves the restaurant private void leaveRestaurant(String[] splittedInput) { String groupName = splittedInput[1]; Group currentGroup = getGroupBasedOnName(groupName); } If currentGroup is not null reset its table and assign null as currentGroup ’s table If null (there is no such group) do nothing The implementation of getGroupBasedOnName is similar to getTableBasedOnName. This helper is useful for Query 3 and 4.
Query 4 Query 4 : Prints the current group’s table Why? we only add groups to the list when we assign it a table when a group leaves, we remove it from the list of groups private void printOccupiedTable(String[] splittedInput) { String groupName = splittedInput[1]; Group currentGroup = getGroupBasedOnName(groupName); } If currentGroup is not null print its table name. We do not need to check if it has a table or not. Why*? If null print “invalid”
Query 5 private void printCurrentGroupName(String[] splittedInput) { String tableName = splittedInput[1]; Table curTable = getTableBasedOnName(tableName); } Query 5 : Prints the current group of the table If curTable is not null and it is occupied print the occupying group’s name. Else print “invalid”
The End