Wednesday, January 13 th 2016!!! 1 t Agenda: 1.Annotation Peace of Mind 2.Syntax Practice 3.Details Everyday Use Assignments: Thursday: Annotate “The Management…” 3 HLQs Intended Message Discuss 1.2 (No “Apply”) Finish Canvas Discussion Assignment Topic: Short Story Unit Objectives:
ON YOUR DESK: “Everyday Use” text A Good Man Syntax Handout w/ your sentences Details 1.1
ALL ABOUT ANNOTATING Why annotate? Increases likelihood we will retain and be able to recall information. Makes it easier to write about or discuss text, being able to quickly reference text. Forces us to be active readers, especially when reading something we don’t like or find boring. Eliminates, or reduces, “I read it, but I didn’t get it” problem.
ALL ABOUT ANNOTATING How do I annotate? Annotating is something you do as you read; not reading and then going back through text to mark. Pause as you read. It’s suggested that you pause every few paragraphs, or a lengthy paragraph. It does take time – but as you practice, you’ll find yourself moving at a faster pace. Underlining is not annotating. Why did you underline or circle that word/phrase? It leaves me wondering what you are thinking as well as whether or not your read the text. Always have a pen and a highlighter with you! This is essential! Now you have an excuse to go pen shopping!
ALL ABOUT ANNOTATING How do I annotate? Annotating is interacting, or “talking” to the text. Pretty much, you write down everything. Make sure you can read your work! Write your annotations next to part of text you are responding to.
ALL ABOUT ANNOTATING What you should annotate for/do: Summarize a passage or chunk of paragraphs. Questions that enter your mind. Defining vocabulary terms. Identifying important moments in plot (conflict and tension) Connecting text to your life, other literature, culture, pop culture. Analyzing author’s craft (fig. language/devices, syntax, diction) Drawing pictures to help you visualize what’s happening. Predicting what will happen next. Commenting on characterization – how they change. Comment on your reaction to characters/plot.
KISS AND MAKE-UP Yes, you can make-up your annotating assignments for our short stories. After this, ya do it or ya don’t. Collecting tomorrow: “A Good Man is Hard to Find” “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”
CANVAS ASSIGNMENT This is a discussion extension on “An Old Man…” and “A Good Man…” Requirements: 1.Respond to one question posted by Ms. Born. Completed Post 1 question (story of your choice) for the class. Completed 1/12 3.Respond to a minimum of 2 other questions. 4.Reply to 2 responses to your question. If no one responded to your question, find 2 responses elsewhere and reply. 5.Use textual evidence for support.
SYNTAX AND “DISCUSS” Share your favorite syntax copy- cat you wrote last night. Please pass forward. (name check!) Okay, now, let’s quickly review our “Details 1.1 Assignment” Questions? Comments? Please pass forward (name check!)
EVERYDAY USE Share and determine best HLQ from your LMG Write HLQ on board. In LMG spend a few minutes discussing HLQs on board. Take notes on your text. Focus on speaking to each other, no me.