Cognitive Development How do students’ develop their thinking? Piaget vs. Vygotsky
Truthtellers and Liars Problem You are visiting a strange country in which there are just two kinds of people- truthtellers and liars. Truthtellers always tell the truth and liars always lie. You hail the first two people you meet and say, “Are you truthtellers or liars?” The first person mumbles something you can’t hear. The second says, “He says he is a truthteller. He is a truthteller and so am I.” Can you trust the directions that these two may give you?”
Piaget vs. Vygotsky Construction of knowledge Learning occurs through interactions with objects (no expert needed). Build schemas New info for schema (cognitive disequilibrium) Assimilate and/or Accommodate new info (ex.)ex Development leads learning (Thought creates language) (ex)ex 4 invariant stages –Sensorimotor –Preoperational –Concrete operations –Formal operations Co-Construction of knowledge Learning occurs through social interaction (expert needed)expert needed Build Interpersonal to intrapersonal speech which regulates behavior Cultural tools: language (mediation) ZPD (or ZPG): scaffolding (demo) Learning leads development (Language creates thoughts) Ex. Video on Social Context) No specific stages, but maturation important Piaget (Clip 0-1:50)Clip 0-1:50 Vygotsky (clip 0-4:00)clip 0-4:00