Teacher Cadet 1 Development Review Game Sarah Smith, Zach Apple & Destiny Mullins
Directions For each question, you have 30 seconds after it is read to answer it. Write your answer on your white board. When time is called flip it towards the front. Scores will be taken and the next question will appear.
Round One Notes are allowed. Each correct answer earns 1 point.
What race and sex is Kohlberg’s Theory based on? White Males Moral Development
Draw the continuum for Social Development. Social Development Social Maturity Developmental Crisis
zygote, ___?___, fetus, neonate Embryo Physical Development
Learning and Thinking is considered to be? Cognition Cognitive Development
Who are the two people associated with Moral Development? Gilligan and Kohlberg Moral Development
What is the theory that deals with secondary sex characteristics are developing more then usual? Secular Trend Physical Development
What is the last stage of Gilligan’s Moral Development? Non-Violence Stage Moral Development
In which stage of Cognitive Development are we currently in? Formal Operations Cognitive Development
At what age does a child learn to set on their own? 6 months Physical Development
Round 2 Notes are not allowed. Each correct answer earns 2 points.
At what age did we enter our psychosocial crisis? 12 Social Development
Name one of the three steps of cognition. Reflexes, schema, operation Cognitive Development
Most Americans never pass which Moral Development Stage? Postconventional (stage 3) Moral Development
Which muscles develop first? Larger muscles develop first Physical Development
What is another name for the adolescent stage? “raging hormones” Physical Development
Which substage requires you you to be united with the world? Stage 7 Cosmic Moral Development
What is the most important social development stage in life? Stage 5 Adolescent Social Development
Fitting new information into an already existing schema is called Assimilation Cognitive Development
In which stage are people egocentric? Preoperational Stage Cognitive Development
Round 3 You will have 20 seconds to answer these questions. They are worth 5 points.
In the psychosocial stage, what is our current crisis? Identity & Reputation vs. Identity and Confusion
Name one difference between Gilligan’s and Kohlberg’s theory. Sex, priority, safety vs. what is right, and any others.
Name 2 of the 4 people we have studied. Piaget, Kohlberg, Gilligan, and Erikson
Name 2 of the 5 environmental factors that have an affect on the development and birth size of children Maternal nutrition, stress, disease, age, and drug use
Name 2 of 5 cognitive development operations in the Formal Operations stage. 1.Use logic 2.Abstract reasoning 3.Hypothetical reasoning 4.Extended thinking or mental links 5.Deal with the future