C Voice 0 to 1 when appropriate H Hand, Shout it out A Listening/Discussing/Presenting M Seated, taking care of own needs P Everyone, everyday S uccess!
Partner off in your team: A: person with the longest hair B: person with the shortest hair You will each have 1 minute to: ◦ Share what you feel is the most important component of communication and why. A goes first! ***Think Time***
You and parents were invited to participate in a study of school communication. The study was designed to implement strategies that would remove barriers to communication and to facilitate a comparative analysis between past practices and these new strategies.
Top Barriers T P 31% 0% No computer/internet access 6% 0% My comfort level with technology 25% 10% Different language spoken by parents 37% 70% Conflicting work schedule 6% 5% Comfort level with teachers/staff 87% 0% No phone access (Incorrect Info) 68% 25% Information doesn’t make it home
Preferred Strategies T P Telephone Face to face Written form Internet sites Social Media 65% of parents and 68% of staff felt they should be communicated with weekly!
You will get a question/answer sheet to analyze these results with your current practices and to see what you already have in place and where improvements can be made! Be ready to share current practices and plan of improvement.
Successes and Improvements