A History in Mass Communication


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Presentation transcript:

A History in Mass Communication The First 3 Information Revolutions

There are six information revolutions: Eras in Communication There are six information revolutions: Oral/Writing Printing Mass Media Revolution Entertainment Communication Toolshed Home Information Highway

Pre-Mass Communication Oral communication Circulated slowly through poets, teachers, and tribal storytellers The Socrates Method: Public conversations and debates Primary form of spreading news Working class people were illiterate Written communication Phoenicia's invented the alphabet Papyrus: Material from Egypt from the pithy stem of a water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean Greeks made it flourish around 8th century B.C. Made knowledge boundless.

Oral v. Written Many philosophers believed that the written word would kill oral tradition. Socrates felt it would threaten debate where as Plato tried to banish poetry because he thought it was not as rigorous. Connect to today: Do you feel that the growth of communication has “cheapen” the way we communicate? Think of how communication is now (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, reality TV, etc.)

Printing Revolution China is credited for developing paper around 100 B.C. Began in Europe around the second half of the 15th century German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and movable metallic type Printing spread information through society and marked the start of the modern world. Combined three critical elements: Machine replaced the system of hand-copies Duplication happened more rapidly Faster production brought down cost per unit so it made books affordable. People started to resist traditional clerical authority and also think for themselves because knowledge was available.

Mass Media Revolution Began in western Europe and eastern United States around 19th century. With the advancements in paper production and printing press, the telegraph was invented. The telegraph started the transformation of communication, which was continued by film, radio, and television. For the first time newspapers and magazines reached our to communities Photography was invented Public school and libraries rapidly increased and literacy became important Mass media made it possible to be involved in culture and all aspects of life. Think of the following vocabulary: Communication: The creation and use of symbol systems that convey information and meanings Culture: The symbols of expression that individuals, groups, and societies use to make sense of daily life and articulate their values Mass Media: Culture links individuals to their shared and contested values, mass media circulates those values; culture industries. Mass communication: The process of designing cultural messages and stories and delivering them to large and diverse audience

The First Libraries Ancient Egyptians temples held collections of writing mainly about religion and rituals. Referred to as “House of Life” Archives, not true libraries Literacy was apart of government or temple bureaucracy, not for education