Family Goals Social-Emotional Development: Social: Sharing Emotional: Appropriate responses Cognitive Development: Mathematics: Early math Communication and language: Letter sounds Reading and Literacy: Early reading Science and Inquiry: How things work Physical Development: Fine Motor: None listed Gross Motor: None listed
Teacher Goals Social-Emotional Development: Social: To share with his classmates. Emotional: To play with children he does not know well. Cognitive Development: Mathematics: To add and subtract single digit numbers using counters. Communication and language: To annunciate words correctly when speaking. Reading and Literacy: To identify some sight words. Science and Inquiry: To describe his observations with words. Physical Development: Fine Motor: To strengthen his pincer grip. Gross Motor: To strengthen his balance.
Communication & Language 9/11/14 During small group, Andrew contributed his ideas to our word web. We were webbing about building. He said we could build with Legos and blocks but then he said, “That’s it. That’s pretty much it.” He was stating that there was not anything else were could build with or anything that related to building. After discussing more with his small group, he came up with more ideas. During this conversation with Andrew, I noticed he struggled with pronouncing the sounds of the letters ‘c’, ‘th’, and a few others. The goal for Andrew is to annunciate words correctly when speaking. Language and Literacy :STANDARD 4 — Speaking/Communicating and Oral Language Development Through their explorations, play, and social interactions, children successfully communicate for multiple purposes. Benchmark 5. Use complete sentences of varying length to express ideas and feelings through spoken language, sign language, or other forms of communication. 6. Initiate and engage in conversation and discussions with adults and other children.
Communication & Language Throughout the semester, Andrew’s communication has improved. He continues to practice annunciating the letters that are most difficult for him. Sometimes, such as in small group (top left, top right), teachers will prompt Andrew to annunciate specific words they notice he is having difficulty saying. In the classroom (bottom right, bottom left), Andrew is also prompted to practice his word pronunciation which leads him closer to his goal of annunciating words correctly when speaking. Language and Literacy :STANDARD 4 — Speaking/Communicating and Oral Language Development Through their explorations, play, and social interactions, children successfully communicate for multiple purposes. Benchmark 5. Use complete sentences of varying length to express ideas and feelings through spoken language, sign language, or other forms of communication.