UNIT 1 TEST Image-Based Identification Multiple Choice Short Answer Short Essays (2) (10 min)
Seated Khafre OLD KINGDOM Gizeh, Egypt, Dynasty IV Ca BC
Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt OLD KINGDOM Saqqara, Egypt Dynasty V, ca BC
Nefertiti Tell el-Amarna, Egypt Dynasty XVIII Amarna Period
Akhenaton and Nefertiti, From the temple of Amen-Re, Armana Period Karnak, Egypt, Dyanasty XVIII BC
Standard of Ur (Sumerian)
Fowling scene, from the tomb of Nebamun, New Kingdom Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty XVIII, ca BC
Stele of NaramSin AKKADIAN c BCE 6 ½ ft. tall Sandstone
Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer NEW Kingdom Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty BC
Queen Tiye Dynasty XVIII Amarna Period BC
The Palette of King Narmer Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Early Dynastic BC
Menkaure and Khamerernebty OLD KINGDOM Gizeh, Egypt Dynasty IV, ca BC
Human-headed Winged Bull (Lamassu) Assyrian Reign of Sargon II, BCE
Votive figures at the Temple of Abu ( Sumerian )
Ziggurat of Ur Neo Sumerian About 2100 BCE
Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid and mortuary Early Dynasty precinct of Djoser, Saqqara Egypt Dynasty III
Death Mask of Tutankhamen Armana Period Thebes, Egypt, Dynasty XVIII 1323 BC
Standard of Ur (Sumerian) c2100 BCE
Ishtar Gate Neo-Babylonian, 575 BCE Built by Nebuchadnezzar II to honor Ishtar, the goddess of Love and War.
Drawing of the citadel and palace complex of Sargon II ASSYRIAN (Khorsabad, Iraq)
Gudea of Lagash Neo-Sumerian B.C.
Sargon I – First AKKADIAN Ruler c BCE
Stele of Hammurabi BABYLONIAN c BCE
Lyre from Sumerian Royal Cemetery Sumerian (Ur, Iraq), c BCE
Rock cut Tombs (Beni Hasan), MIDDLE KINGDOM c BCE
Seated scribe (Saqqara), OLD KINGDOM c BCE, painted limestone
Akhenaton, from the temple of Amen-Re (Karnak), Amarna Period c BCE, sandstone
Head from the Nok culture, c. 500 BCE-200 CE, terracotta
Head of a King ( Ife) Benin c. 13 th century CE, brass
Ancestral Couple (?) ( Dogon, Mali), c. 19 th century, wood
Power figure of the Kongo culture (Zaire), 19 th century, wood, nails, pins, blades, and other materials