Working Conditions for Online Faculty Salary, Workload, and Best Practices
Brick-and-Mortar Classroom Average class size: elementary 20 secondary 23.4 Typical workweek: M-F, 8:00-4:00, with some additional prep time $47,100 to $51,180 per year (public) Health insurance, retirement, as per union and state contracts Certification: BA,teaching cert, HQT status
Online Educator (general) Average class size: varies by program – 60 to 120 for monitoring/advisory teachers 8:00-4:00 M-F, “minimal” after-hours prep Salary – per state or district schedule for public schools, varies widely in national/for-profit programs where only part-time positions are offered Health insurance, retirement, as per union and state contracts, some flexibility in working hours and location Certification: BA,teaching cert, HQT status, familiarity with tools of on-line content delivery
Online Educator - Discreet Course(s) Spectacular variation in class size – from 5-10 grad students to hundreds – no set standard at most institutions Hours – variable and somewhat flexible. Prep time % greater – at least 10 hours for each hour of instruction Salary usually identical to traditional but does not reflect additional prep time, salary may be based on enrollment Benefits – not usually counted towards tenure Advantages – Meets market demand for flexibility, allows great teacher control, can be very personalized
“Cash Cow” Issues Institutional Goals Customer satisfaction Maximum enrollment with minimal overhead Same course – same teacher – less cost? Adjunct faculty are “cheap” Automated courses? Minimal facility costs Faculty Reality Size vs. quality/profit Necessary technical support Time commitment Large sections may require graders, assistants, release time Additional course design and delivery work not recognized
Best Practices (none of which save money) Automated programs detract from the educational experience Class size: Larger classes subdivided into groups to allow for social presence, with assistance from graders, assistants, instructional designers More student postings equals better learning Available tech support Time management: set office hours, automated grading, group projects, frequent opportunities for direct communication Automated programs detract from the educational experience Compensation: FTE/Credit adjust, merit pay, tenure, promotion consideration Cooperation between faculty and admin. In setting on-line policy