HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Pre-Seminar Welcome to HE 550: Educational Program Assessment, Unit 7 Seminar Seminar will begin at top of the hour Use Text Input Box to ask questions No audio? Call Tech Support
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Matthew Calfin, Ed.D.
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Goal Understand expectations for Final Course Project
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline (continued) Seminar Assessment Conclusion
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Unit 9 Learning Objectives Propose strategies for containing unit costs and maximizing efficient use of resources. Use budgetary information to evaluate institutional priorities. (Course Outcome HE 550: 5).
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Instructions Background For the purposes of this project, imagine that you work at a medium-sized state university as the program chair for Developmental Education, a department which offers the remedial reading, writing, and math classes taken by students who do not place into college-level English and math classes based on their placement test scores. At your institution, students do not pay tuition for these courses. Each year, you must offer course sections serving approximately 2,000 students. The sections generally break down as follows: Enrollments Sections Reading Writing Math Math Total 2,
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Instructions Background You have four full-time faculty who each teach ten courses per year, with adjuncts teaching the rest. Your full-time faculty each make $40,000 per year including benefits. Adjunct pay for one course in reading or writing is $1,500, while for math it is $1,800, since it is harder to hire people who can teach math. Currently your courses use normal classrooms, not computer labs, so you do not have any additional costs for labs or equipment. This morning, your dean let you know that, due to state budget cuts, you are going to have to cut 10% from your budget next year. She has asked you to come up with five possible strategies for dealing with this cut, and your analysis of how each strategy will affect your department, your faculty, your students, and the institution. Strategies could include ways to cut costs or to increase revenue. You can assume that this is a one-time cut, and that funding levels the following year may return to normal; however, at least two of your strategies should assume that the cuts will be permanent. Review bolded items above.
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Resources SectionsEnrollmentSalary Cost Instructor NameStatusCourse TitleFallSpringFallSpringFallSpring Sarah Schreiber Full timeWriting $ 20,000 Ned Numberline Full timeMath ,000 Math Cora Calculus Full timeMath ,000 Math Gina Grammatica Full timeReading ,000 TBDAdjunctWriting ,500 TBDAdjunctMath ,000 TBDAdjunctMath ,000 Total50 1, ,500 Annual Total 100 2,000 $ 265,000
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Grading Rubric CriteriaMastery 320 Points Description of budget cutting strategies At least five highly relevant, creative budget cutting strategies identified, and their ability to meet the required budget cut clearly and coherently described. Arguments are well supported by appropriate references Analysis of budget cutting strategies Each budget cutting strategy is analyzed clearly and coherently in terms of its benefits and limitations as well as its potential impact on all major stakeholder groups Introduction and Conclusion Context of the introduction and purpose is clear, specific, and coherent. Conclusion summarizes major elements of the paper and clearly lays out specific recommendations Writing competence Comments were clearly expressed without typos, grammatical, and/or spelling errors and APA was followed accurately. Paper could be published in a journal with little editing
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Seminar Outline Final Course Project overview -Unit 9 Learning Objectives -Assignment Instructions -Assignment Resources -Assignment Grading Rubric -Assignment Content
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Content: Unit 9 Course Project AssignmentFinancial Management Course OutcomesHE550-4: Assess the appropriateness of institutional expenditures HE550-5: Use budgetary information to evaluate institutional priorities. Due DateTuesday, October 23 Point Value320 Assignment TypePaper (at least 7 double spaced pages) Minimum Assignment Length Determined by Assignment Instructions DescriptionInvestigate how state funding cuts can alter decision- making at individual institutions.
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Assignment Content: Outline Introduction - State the problem, provide the reader with some context, and give an overview of your direction. Strategy 1 Describe the strategy Discuss how it will achieve the required cost savings Discuss how it will likely impact key stakeholders, including your department, students, and the institution Summarize the benefits and limitations of the strategy Strategy 2 Cover the same points as for Strategy 1 Strategy 3 Cover the same points as for Strategy 1 and 2 Strategy 4 Cover the same points as for 1, 2, and 3 Strategy 5 Cover the same points as for 1, 2, 3, and 4 Recommendation - Describe which strategy you believe presents the best solution and why Conclusion - Summarize your key points and conclude your paper
HE 550: Higher Education Finance Unit 7 Seminar Questions? Contact Information: Matthew Calfin, Ed.D.