Drawing a Bar Graph Data Management
Bar Graphs Used to compare numbers directly
Draw your axes X-axis is horizontal Y-axis is vertical
Add a Title It should be informative and describe what the data is talking about Most of the time it is at the top of the graph Ex. Favourite Hockey Team of Students in Mrs. Cooper’s Math 11 Essentials Class
Scale Look at your data table Most of the time the scale starts at zero, but not always Your maximum number should be a little higher than the highest number in the data set What should you go up by? –1’s? 2’s? 5’s? 10’s?
Example The highest frequency is 3 I will make the scale go to 4 and go up by 1’s
Axes The x-axis tends to have your categories –Day of the week, colors of ice cream, etc The y-axis has the quantities and the appropriate scale must be chosen for here Once you have these things on the graph, you have to label them so people know what they mean
A Complete Bar Graph
Axes Sometimes instead of labelling the x-axis with the categories, a legend is used instead.
Double Bar Graph Sometimes we ask 2 different groups the same questions to see if their answers differ. We put the data on the same graph as a double bar graph